GNU ELPA - system-packages


functions to manage system packages
system-packages-1.0.13.tar (.sig), 2024-Mar-31, 50.0 KiB
J. Alexander Branham <>
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To install this package from Emacs, use package-install or list-packages.

Full description


This is a collection of functions to make handling installed system packages more convenient through Emacs.

1. Installation

System packages is available on GNU ELPA. You can get it by doing M-x package-install RET system-packages RET.

Users of Debian ≥10 and derivatives can install it with the following:

sudo apt install elpa-system-packages

2. Configuration

The package attempts to guess which package manager you use. If it guesses wrong (or you'd like to set it manually), you may modify the variable system-packages-package-manager.

We also attempt to guess whether or not to use sudo with appropriate commands (like installing and uninstalling packages). Some package managers (like homebrew) warn not to use sudo, others (like apt) need sudo privileges. You may set this manually by configuring system-packages-use-sudo.

Other package customization options can be accessed with M-x customize-group RET system-packages RET.

3. Supported package managers

Currently, system-packages knows about the following package managers. You can see exactly what commands are associated with system-packages commands by checking system-packages-supported-package-managers. The default package manager that we use is the first one found from this list:

  • guix
  • nix
  • brew
  • macports
  • pacman
  • apt
  • aptitude
  • emerge
  • zypper
  • dnf
  • xbps

4. Usage

The package doesn't presume to set keybindings for you, so you may set those up yourself or simply call functions with M-x. All commands start with system-packages

5. Adding other package managers

It is straightforward to add support for package managers. First, add the commands to system-packages-supported-package-managers like so:

(add-to-list 'system-packages-supported-package-managers
	     '(pacaur .
		      ((default-sudo . nil)
		       (install . "pacaur -S")
		       (search . "pacaur -Ss")
		       (uninstall . "pacaur -Rs")
		       (update . "pacaur -Syu")
		       (clean-cache . "pacaur -Sc")
		       (log . "cat /var/log/pacman.log")
		       (change-log . "pacaur -Qc")
		       (get-info . "pacaur -Qi")
		       (get-info-remote . "pacaur -Si")
		       (list-files-provided-by . "pacaur -Ql")
		       (owning-file . "pacaur -Qo")
		       (owning-file-remote . "pacaur -F")
		       (verify-all-packages . "pacaur -Qkk")
		       (verify-all-dependencies . "pacaur -Dk")
		       (remove-orphaned . "pacaur -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)")
		       (list-installed-packages . "pacaur -Qe")
		       (list-installed-packages-all . "pacaur -Q")
		       (list-dependencies-of . "pacaur -Qi")
		       (noconfirm . "--noconfirm"))))

Any occurrences of %p in a command will be replaced with the package name during execution, otherwise the package name is simply appended to the command.

You may also need to adjust system-packages-package-manager and system-packages-use-sudo accordingly:

(setq system-packages-use-sudo t)
(setq system-packages-package-manager 'pacaur)

6. See also

Helm users might like helm-system-packages

Old versions

system-packages-1.0.12.tar.lz2023-Aug-056.85 KiB
system-packages-1.0.11.tar.lz2019-Jun-1816.5 KiB
system-packages-1.0.10.tar.lz2018-Dec-1516.5 KiB