Known Bugs: See Install: (require 'evil-leader) Usage: (global-evil-leader-mode) to enable `evil-leader' in every buffer where `evil' is enabled. Note: You should enable `global-evil-leader-mode' before you enable `evil-mode', otherwise `evil-leader' won't be enabled in initial buffers (*scratch*, *Messages*, ...). Use `evil-leader/set-key' to bind keys in the leader map. For example: (evil-leader/set-key "e" 'find-file) You can also bind several keys at once: (evil-leader/set-key "e" 'find-file "b" 'switch-to-buffer "k" 'kill-buffer) The key map can of course be filled in several places. After you set up the key map you can access the bindings by pressing == (default: \) and the key(s). E.g. \ e would call `find-file' to open a file. If you wish to change so you can customize =evil-leader/leader= or call `evil-leader/set-leader', e.g. (evil-leader/set-leader ",") to change it to ",". The leader has to be readable by `read-kbd-macro', so using Space as a prefix key would be (evil-leader/set-leader ""). Beginning with version 0.3 evil-leader has support for mode-local bindings: (evil-leader/set-key-for-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode "b" 'byte-compile-file) Again, you can bind several keys at once. A mode-local binding shadows a normal mode-independent binding.