orgstrap is a specification and tooling for bootstrapping Org files. It allows Org files to describe their own requirements, and define their own functionality, making them self-contained, standalone computational artifacts, dependent only on Emacs, or other implementations of the Org-babel protocol in the future. orgstrap.el is an elisp implementation of the orgstrap conventions. It defines a regional minor mode for `org-mode' that runs orgstrap blocks. It also provides `orgstrap-init' and `orgstrap-edit-mode' to simplify authoring of orgstrapped files. For more details see which is also the literate source for this orgstrap.el file in the git repo at or wherever you can find git:c1b28526ef9931654b72dff559da2205feb87f75 Code in an orgstrap block is usually meant to be executed directly by its containing Org file. However, if the code is something that will be reused over time outside the defining Org file, then it may be better to tangle and load the file so that it is easier to debug/xref functions. The code in this orgstrap.el file in particular is tangled for inclusion in one of the *elpas so as to protect the orgstrap namespace and to make it eaiser to use orgstrap in Emacs. The license for the orgstrap.el code reflects the fact that the code for expanding and hashing blocks reuses code from ob-core.el, which at the time of writing is licensed as part of Emacs.