py-test gives you the ability to define testing projects and, based on those projects, run a single test that's defined in the current buffer, all of the tests that you have defined in the current buffer, or all of the tests that you have defined in the current buffers's parent directory. ; Installation From MELPA: M-x package-install RET py-test RET Manually: Clone the repo: git clone ~/sandbox/py-test.el Add it to your `.emacs`: (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/sandbox/py-test.el")) (require 'py-test) ; Usage Define a project. (py-test-define-project :name "My Project" :python-command "python" :base-directory (expand-file-name "~/sandbox/my-project-home/") :test-runner (expand-file-name "~/sandbox/my-project-home/tests/") :working-directory (expand-file-name "~/sandbox/my-project-home/tests/")) Open a file belonging to that project: C-x C-f ~/sandbox/my-project-home/tests/subdirectory/ RET Run all of the tests that were defined in that file: M-x py-test-run-file RET Run all of the tests that were defined in that file's parent directory: M-x py-test-run-directory RET Jump to a single test function, method or class and run just that: M-x py-test-run-test-at-point RET ; Extras `py-test' is also configurable through the following variables (use `describe-variable' for more info): * py-test-*mode-line-face-shenanigans-on* * py-test-*mode-line-face-shenanigans-timer* * py-test-*default-buffer-name* * py-test-*default-test-runner* * py-test-*test-path-separator* In addition, `py-test' defines the following faces: * py-test-*mode-line-green-face* * py-test-*mode-line-inactive-green-face* * py-test-*mode-line-red-face* * py-test-*mode-line-inactive-red-face*