Open the file from command line error report, - Insert "(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'shellcop-start)" into ~/.emacs - Start shell-mode by "M-x shell" - Run any command line program in shell - Press ENTER in the program's output containing file and line number. Or run `shellcop-goto-location-near-point'. - Cursor is NOT required to be on the same line containing file path. `shellcop-reset-with-new-command' will, - kill current running process - erase the content in shell buffer - If `shellcop-sub-window-has-error-function' return nil in all sub-windows, run `shellcop-insert-shell-command-function'. `shellcop-erase-buffer' erases the content buffer with below names, - "*Messages*" (default) - "*shell*" (if parameter 1 is passed) - "*Javascript REPL*" (if parameter 2 is passed) - "*eshell*" (if parameter 3 is passed) `shellcop-jump-around' jumps to directories recorded by, - If shell is visible, \"cd destination-dir\" is inserted into shell - Or else, the directory is opened in `dired-mode' `shellcop-search-in-shell-buffer-of-other-window' uses current word or selected text to search in *shell* buffer of the other window.