`ace-isearch.el' provides a minor mode that combines `isearch', `ace-jump-mode', `avy', `helm-swoop' and `swiper'. The "default" behavior (`ace-isearch-jump-based-on-one-char' t) can be summarized as: L = 1 : `ace-jump-mode' or `avy' 1 < L < 6 : `isearch' L >= 6 : `helm-swoop' or `swiper' where L is the input string length during `isearch'. When L is 1, after a few seconds specified by `ace-isearch-jump-delay', `ace-jump-mode' or `avy' will be invoked. Of course you can customize the above behaviour. If (`ace-isearch-jump-based-on-one-char' nil), L=2 characters are required to invoke `ace-jump-mode' or `avy' after `ace-isearch-jump-delay'. This has the effect of doing regular `isearch' for L=1 and L=3 to 6, with the ability to switch to 2-character `avy' or `ace-jump-mode' (not yet supported) once `ace-isearch-jump-delay' has passed. Much easier to do than to write about :-)