This provides an edit server to respond to requests from the Chrome Emacs Chrome plugin. This is my first attempt at doing something with sockets in Emacs. I based it on the following examples: To use it ensure the file is in your load-path and add something like the following examples to your .emacs: To open pages for editing in new buffers in your existing Emacs instance: (when (require 'edit-server nil t) (setq edit-server-new-frame nil) (edit-server-start)) To open pages for editing in new frames using a running emacs started in --daemon mode: (when (and (require 'edit-server nil t) (daemonp)) (edit-server-start)) Buffers are edited in `text-mode' by default; to use a different major mode, change `edit-server-default-major-mode' or customize `edit-server-url-major-mode-alist' to specify major modes based on the remote URL: (setq edit-server-url-major-mode-alist '(("github\\.com" . markdown-mode))) Alternatively, set the mode in `edit-server-start-hook'. For example: (add-hook 'edit-server-start-hook (lambda () (when (string-match "" (buffer-name)) (markdown-mode))))