lisp-butt-mode brings fat lisp butts in shape. With lisp-butt-mode e.g. )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) gets displayed nicely as (pun intended): ).) Also closing brackets are respected. There is a global `lisp-butt-global-mode' and a local `lisp-butt-mode' variant. Global: - Toggle the mode with {M-x lisp-butt-global-mode RET}. - Activate the mode with {C-u M-x lisp-butt-global-mode RET}. - Deactivate the mode with {C-u -1 M-x lisp-butt-global-mode RET}. Local: - Toggle the mode with {M-x lisp-butt-mode RET}. - Activate the mode with {C-u M-x lisp-butt-mode RET}. - Deactivate the mode with {C-u -1 M-x lisp-butt-mode RET}. Unveil the full butt at the cursor temporarily with {M-x lisp-butt-unfontify RET} Customize lisp-butt-auto-unfontify {M-x customize-variable RET lisp-butt-auto-unfontify RET } for automatic unfontification when point hits a butt. Some configuration is possible. See {M-x customize-group RET lisp-butt RET} To turn on lisp-butt-mode automatically see {M-x customize-variable RET lisp-butt-global-mode RET} See also the literate source file for modifying the whole thing. E.g. see