You can take a look at screenshots and acquire more information on: = Requirements ============================================================== - Emacs 24 (or above) - 256 colors terminal (or higher) = Usage ===================================================================== Add you to your .emacs: (require 'moe-theme) (moe-dark) or (moe-light) But if you want to install manually, add this first: (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/path/to/moe-theme") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/moe-theme") = Customizations ============================================================ It's impossible to satisfy everyone with one theme, so `moe-theme` provide some customizations that you may like. ### Resize Titles ######################################################## You may want to resize the titles in `markdown-mode', `org-mode', or `rst-mode': (setq moe-theme-resize-markdown-title '(2.0 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.0)) (setq moe-theme-resize-org-title '(2.2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0)) (setq moe-theme-resize-rst-title '(2.0 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0)) Markdown should have 6 items; org has 9 items; rst has 6 items. The values should be lists. Larger the values, larger the fonts. If you don't like this, just leave them nil, and all the titles will be the same size. ### Colorful Mode-line and Powerline ##################################### Tired of boring blue mode-line? Set default mode-line color like this: (setq moe-theme-mode-line-color 'orange) Available colors: blue, orange, magenta, yellow, purple, red, cyan, w/b. You can use `moe-theme-select-color' to change color interactively. Mayby you'll also like `moe-theme-random-color', which gives you a random mood :D. ### Powerline ############################################################ Now we supports Powerline (, which makes mode-line looks fabulous! We recommended installing Powerline and run `powerline-moe-theme'. ### Too Yellow Background? ############################################### With 256-colors, default yellow background of moe-light may be too yellow and harsh to eyes on some screens. If you encounter this problem, and want to set background color to #ffffff in terminal, set the value of `moe-light-pure-white-background-in-terminal' to t: (setq moe-light-pure-white-background-in-terminal t) ### Highlight Buffer-id on Mode-line? #################################### You may be dislike default highlight on mode-line-buffer-id, now it can be disable: (setq moe-theme-highlight-buffer-id nil) = Auto Switching ============================================================ I prefer a terminal with a black-on-white color scheme. I found that in the daytime, sunlight is strong and black-on-white is more readable; However, white-on-black would be less harsh to the eyes at night. So if you like, you can add the following line to your ~/.emacs to automatically switch between moe-dark and moe-light according to the system time: (require 'moe-theme-switcher) By adding the line above, your Emacs will have a light theme in the day and a dark one at night. =w=+ # Live in Antarctica? ####################################################### Daytime is longer in summer but shorter in winter; or you live in a high latitude region which midnight-sun or polar-night may occur such as Finland or Antarctica? There's a variable `moe-theme-switch-by-sunrise-and-sunset` would solve your problem (default value is `t`) If this value is `nil`, `moe-theme-switcher` will switch theme at fixed time (06:00 and 18:00). If this value is `t` and both `calendar-latitude` and `calendar-longitude` are set properly, the switching will be triggered at the sunrise and sunset time of the local calendar. Take "Keelung, Taiwan" (25N,121E) for example, you can set like this: (setq calendar-latitude +25) (setq calendar-longitude +121)