This program extract big words from text. The words whose Zipf frequency less than `mybigword-upper-limit' are big words. Zipf scale was proposed by Marc Brysbaert, who created the SUBTLEX lists. Zipf frequency of a word is the base-10 logarithm of the number of times it appears per billion words. A word with Zipf value 6 appears once per thousand words,for example, and a word with Zipf value 3 appears once per million words. Reasonable Zipf values are between 0 and 8, but the minimum Zipf value appearing here is 1.0. We use 0 as the default Zipf value for words that do not appear in the given word list,although it should mean one occurrence per billion words." Thanks to for providing the data. Usage, Run `mybigword-show-big-words-from-file' Run `mybigword-show-big-words-from-current-buffer' Run `mybigword-big-words-in-current-window' Customize `mybigword-excluded-words' or `mybigword-personal-excluded-words' to exclude words. Tips, 1. Customize `mybigword-default-format-function' to format the word for display. If it's `mybigword-format-with-dictionary', the `mybigword-word-definition-function', whose default value is `dictionary-definition', is used to find the definitions of all big words. Sample to display the dictionary definitions of big words: (let* ((mybigword-default-format-function 'mybigword-format-with-dictionary)) (mybigword-show-big-words-from-current-buffer)) You can also set `mybigword-default-format-header-function' to add a header before displaying words. Customize `mybigword-hide-word-function' to hide word for display 2. Parse the *.srt to play the video containing the word in org file Make sure the org tree node has the property SRT_PATH. Mplayer is required to play the video. See `mybigword-mplayer-program' for details. Sample of org file: * Star Trek s06e26 :PROPERTIES: :SRT_PATH: ~/ :END: telepathic egotist Move focus over the word like "egotist". Run "M-x mybigword-play-video-of-word-at-point". Then mplayer plays the corresponding video at the time the word is spoken. If video is missing, the mp3 with similar name is played. See `mybigword-video2mp3' on how to generate mp3 from video files. Please note `mybigword-play-video-of-word-at-point' can be used in other major modes. See `mybigword-default-media-info-function' for details. 3. Use `mybigword-pronounce-word' to pronounce the word at point. The word's audio is downloaded from The audio download url could be customized in `mybigword-default-audio-url-function'. 4. Use `mybigword-show-image-of-word' to show images of the word at point in external browser. Please note `browse-url-generic' is used in this command.