The `outline-indent.el' Emacs package provides a minor mode that enables code folding and outlining based on indentation levels for various indentation-based text files, such as YAML, Python, and other indented text files. In addition to code folding, `outline-indent.el' allows moving indented subtrees up and down, promoting and demoting sections to adjust indentation levels, customizing the ellipsis, and inserting a new line with the same indentation level as the current line, among other features. The `outline-indent.el' package utilizes the built-in outline-minor-mode, which is maintained by the Emacs developers and is less likely to be abandoned like *origami.el* or *yafolding.el*. Since `outline-indent.el' is based on outline-minor-mode, it's also much much faster than origami.el and yafolding.el.