To use, add wisp-mode.el to your Emacs Lisp path and add the following to your ~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el (require 'wisp-mode) For details on wisp, see If you came here looking for wisp the lisp-to-javascript compiler[1], have a look at wispjs-mode[2]. [1]: [2]: ChangeLog: - 0.3.0: provide wisp-color-indentation-minor-mode that highlights the indentation levels, following wisp-semantics (period and colon) - 0.2.9: enabled imenu - thanks to Greg Reagle! - 0.2.8: use electric-indent-inhibit instead of electric-indent-local-mode rename gpl.txt to COPYING for melpa use the variable defined by define-derived-mode - 0.2.7: dependency declared, always use wisp--prefix, homepage url - 0.2.6: remove unnecessary autoloads - 0.2.5: backtab chooses existing lower indentation values from previous lines. - 0.2.4: better indentation support: cycle forward on tab, cycle backwards on backtab (s-tab), keep indentation on enter. - 0.2.1: Disable electric-indent-local-mode in wisp-mode buffers. - 0.2: Fixed the regular expressions. Now org-mode HTML export works with wisp-code.