12/31/87						       EFH

			      The Compiler

   Fleabit is the Common Lisp compiler for the K machine a Lisp
optimized RISC machine developed at Lisp Machine Inc. and GigaMOS
Systems.  Fleabit is largely an adaptation of ORBIT [1] the Scheme
compiler developed at Yale in the T project.  Like ORBIT it is based
upon ideas developed by Steele in the Rabbit [2] compiler for Scheme.

   The compiler is a translation of ORBIT into Common Lisp with the
front end rewritten for Common Lisp and the back end rewritten for the K

   The compiler operates in several passes:

   Top Level Form Handling
   CPS and Node Conversion
   Code Generation

   Intermediate data structures and other status information can be seen
by turning on various debugging switches with the function NC:DEBUG-ON
which takes one or more debugging options to turn on as follows:

   :ALPHA         Alphatized code
   :UNSIMPLIFIED  After CPS and node conversion
   :SIMP	  Show individual simplifications
   :SIMP-TREE     Show simplified tree after each simplification
   :SIMPLIFIED    Simplified node tree
   :STRATEGY      Node tree with strategy annotations
   :USED          Node tree with used variables
   :LIVE          Node tree with live variables
   :PREF-CLASSES  Variable preference classes
   :REGS          Variable assignments
   :GENERATE      Generated code tree
   :COMMENTS      Assembly comments
   :EMIT          Emitted (non-optimized) code
   :POST          Post processed code

   :POST may be the most useful debugging switch as it shows the final
assembly code.  Debugging information can be turned off with
NC:DEBUG-OFF.  Debugging information is sent to NC:*DEBUG-STREAM*.

Top Level Form Handling
   When compiling a file top level forms are processes and a KFASL file
generated.  Declarations are made known to the compiler using
DEF-DECLARATION or put in the compiler environment structure and recorded
in the KFASL file.  Defuns are compiled and code and link information
generated.  Top level forms such as EVAL-WHEN and COMPILER-LET are handled
and unknown forms are arranged to be evaluated at load time.


   In the Alphatization phase all macros and rewriters are expanded,
substs are substituted and references to primitive operations are
replaced by PRIMOP structures.  All lambdas have an additional
continuation argument added (see CPS Conversion).  All names (of
variables, functions, block names, go tags, etc) are replaced by
VARIABLE structures.  Binding of names to variable structures as well as
local function and macro definitions are kept in a COMPILER-ENV data
structure which is passed among alphatization functions.

   The alphatization phase also knows about all Common Lisp special
forms.  Some of these provoke special action by the alphatizer, others
expand into internal primitives.

  Here is an example of alphatized code:

Source code:

(defun count (n)
  (labels ((count-1 (i n)
	    (cond ((>= i n))
		  (t (print n)
		     (count-1 (1- i) n)))))
    (count-1 0 n)))


(LAMBDA COUNT (NIL #{Variable K_0} #{Variable N_1})
   ((LABELS (#{Variable COUNT-1_2})
            ((LAMBDA COUNT-1 (NIL #{Variable K_3} #{Variable I_4} #{Variable N_5})
               (((LAMBDA "P"
                   (NIL #{Variable K_6} #{Variable G2387_7})
                   ((IF #{Variable G2387_7}
                        #{Variable G2387_7}
                        (PROGN ((PRINT #{Variable N_5})
	                        (#{Variable COUNT-1_2} (#{Primop 1- 22151342} #{Variable I_4})
                                                       #{Variable N_5}))))))
		 (IF (#{Primop 2-ARG->= 22141102} #{Variable I_4} #{Variable N_5}) 'T 'NIL))
         ((#{Variable COUNT-1_2} '0 #{Variable N_1})))))))

 Information about compiling primitive operations of the language is
kept in PRIMOP structures which are found from their names in
*PRIMOP-TABLE*.  Each primop records information about how to compile
the primitive.  See the section on Extending the Compiler for more
information about PRIMOPs.

 The VARIABLE structure provides a unique identifier as well as being a
convenient place to record various information. Here are the slots of a

    NAME               Source code name for variable (for debugging only)
    ID                 Unique numeric identifier
    BINDER             LAMBDA node which binds this variable
    CLOSED             location in lexical env of this variable
    NUMBER             number in binding list
    REFS               List of leaf nodes n for which (REFERENCE-VARIABLE n) = var.
    TYPE               The type of the variable's value at point of binding
    SPECIAL-P	       T if declared special
    FLAG               Useful slot, used by COPY-NODE, NODE->VECTOR, etc.
    FLAGS              For various annotations, e.g. IGNORABLE
    LOC                The home of this variable (a register or stack slot, IGNORE)
    SETQS              list of places where this variable is setqed
    OPTIONAL-P         T if an optional arg

CPS and Node Conversion

   This phase takes the alphatized code and produces a node tree   
in a CPS (Continuation Passing Style) format.

   The essence of continuation passing style [2,3] is that each call is
passed an additional argument, the continuation.  This is a function
which receives the value(s) of the call as an argument and continues
processing.  As an example the code:

   (progn (foo (bar 3) 4)
          (baz x))

would be written in continuation passing style as:

   (bar #'(lambda (v) (foo #'(lambda (ignore) (baz x))

   The CPS code has in some sense been turned inside out, and is written
more in the order of execution than the source code.  In CPS code there
is no "returning" from a call or "returning a value". The continuation
expresses the notion of control and value destination often found in
traditional Lisp compilers in the language of function calling and
passing values.  The thesis of Rabbit [2] was that CPS conversion,
coupled with simplifications which turned many constructs into function
calling, would allow a compiler to be constructed which would produce
optimal code yet concentrate most of its effort on the compiling of
lambda functions and calls.  As an effect of that, code which explicitly
uses closures and calling of internal and anonymous functions for flow
of control will also compile well. 
   In addition to CPS conversion, this phase also turns the list format
code into a node tree.  All calls are turned into CALL nodes each of
which has as children the CALL-PROC and CALL-ARGUMENTS.  All functions
(including continuations) are turned into LAMBDA nodes.  All
LAMBDA-NODEs (except the topmost) have as parent some CALL-NODE.  The
body of a LAMBDA-NODE is always another CALL-NODE, CALL-NODEs and
LAMBDA-NODEs always alternate at levels of the tree.

nodes.  There are three types of LEAF-NODEs; LITERAL-NODEs which
reference a literal or constant such as a number or NIL; REFERENCE-NODEs
which reference a VARIABLE; and PRIMOP-NODEs which reference a PRIMOP.
Each LEAF-NODE has as parent the CALL-NODE which refers to it.

   There is a concise printed representation for a node tree.  Here is
an example:


   (defun fun (x)
     (foo (1+ x) 4)
     (baz 3))

  Node Tree:

   ((FUN_4 NIL K_0 X_1) ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_8 '#{CALL-NODE FOO_5 53761554}))   
    ((C_8)            ($1+ 1 ^C_7 X_1))   
     ((C_7 NIL V_6)    (FOO_5 1 ^B_12 V_6 '4))   
      ((B_12 IGNORE_11) ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_10 '#{CALL-NODE BAZ_9 53762333}))   
       ((C_10)           (BAZ_9 1 K_0 '3))   

   Each line represents one LAMBDA-NODE and the CALL-NODE which is its body.
For example the line:

     ((C_7 NIL V_6)    (FOO_5 1 ^B_12 V_6 '4))

is the LAMBDA-NODE C_7 (continuations have generated names of the form
C_n) which is the continuation to the call to the PRIMOP 1+ in the line
above.  The continuation has NIL for a rest arg and has one argument V_6
which is the value of 1+.  A continuation does not itself have a
continuation argument.  The body of the lambda is a CALL-NODE whose
CALL-PROC is the REFERENCE-NODE FOO_5 and whose CALL-ARGS are the
LAMBDA-NODE ^B_12 (this is the continuation arg to FOO) which is printed
on the next line, the REFERENCE NODE V_6 which is the first real
argument to FOO (the value of 1+), and the LITERAL-NODE '4.

   When a LAMBDA-NODE appears as a CALL-PROC or one of the
CALL-ARGUMENTS (often the continuation argument) it is written as a ^
followed by the variable which names the lambda.  The LAMBDA-NODE itself
is printed below with appropriate indentation. PRIMOP-NODES are written
as a $ followed by the name of the PRIMOP.  LITERAL-NODES are written as
a ' followed by the LITERAL-VALUE.  REFERENCE-NODES are written as the
variable name followed by an _ and the variable's unique numeric

   Here is the node tree for the example function:
     Unsimplified node:
       ((COUNT_9 NIL K_0 N_1) ($Y 1 ^Y_12))   
	((Y_12 NIL C_10 COUNT-1_2) (C_10 0 ^C_11 ^COUNT-1_13))   
	 ((C_11 NIL NIL)   ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_35 '#{CALL-NODE COUNT-1_2 20320100}))   
	  ((C_35)           (COUNT-1_2 1 K_0 '0 N_1))   
	 ((COUNT-1_13 NIL K_3 I_4 N_5) ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_34 '#{CALL-NODE ^P_14 20314445}))   
	  ((C_34)           (^P_27 0 ^C_33))   
	   ((P_27 NIL J_26)  ($2-ARG->= 1 ^C_31 I_4 N_5))   
	    ((C_31 NIL V_30)  ($CONDITIONAL 2 ^C_28 ^C_29 $TRUE? V_30))   
	     ((C_28 NIL)       (J_26 0 'T))   
	     ((C_29 NIL)       (J_26 0 'NIL))   
	   ((C_33 NIL V_32)  (^P_14 1 K_3 V_32))   
	    ((P_14 NIL K_6 G2387_7) (^P_16 0 K_6))   
	     ((P_16 NIL J_15)  ($CONDITIONAL 2 ^C_17 ^C_18 $TRUE? G2387_7))   
	      ((C_17 NIL)       (J_15 0 G2387_7))   
	      ((C_18 NIL)       ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_20 '#{CALL-NODE PRINT_19 20315076}))   
	       ((C_20)           (PRINT_19 1 ^B_25 N_5))   
		((B_25 IGNORE_24) ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_23 '#{CALL-NODE COUNT-1_2 20315370}))   
		 ((C_23)           ($1- 1 ^C_22 I_4))   
		  ((C_22 NIL V_21)  (COUNT-1_2 1 J_15 V_21 N_5))   

   CONDITIONAL is the PRIMOP which implements IF.  It takes two
continuation arguments, one to call if the predicate is T the other is
called if it is not.  The rest of the arguments to CONDITIONAL are a
PRIMOP which is the predicate and the arguments to the predicate itself.

   Both continuations of a conditional often wind up at the same place,
called a JOIN.  In this case a generated variable (of the form J_n) is
bound to the single continuation and then called (or passed as a
continuation argument) by each of the continuations of the conditional.

  A lambda node can be used as a CALL-PROC, usually to bind a variable.
Lambdas used in this way usually have generated names of form P_n.

   In the fragment:

	  ((C_34)           (^P_27 0 ^C_33))   
	   ((P_27 NIL J_26)  ($2-ARG->= 1 ^C_31 I_4 N_5))   
	    ((C_31 NIL V_30)  ($CONDITIONAL 2 ^C_28 ^C_29 $TRUE? V_30))   
	     ((C_28 NIL)       (J_26 0 'T))   
	     ((C_29 NIL)       (J_26 0 'NIL))   
	   ((C_33 NIL V_32)  ...

J_26 is bound to the continuation lambda C_33 (by P_27).  It will be called by
both continuations to the conditional with V_32 bound to either T or NIL.

   During CPS conversion function calls also have a call to the primop OPEN-FRAME
added at the point at which a call-hardware open operation must be done.  This will
eventually turn into an OPEN or TAIL-OPEN instruction if a real function call is
being performed.



   After the node tree is built it is simplified.  Simplification makes
several passes over the tree recursively simplifying subtrees.  When any
change is made to a subtree it is resimplified, therefore simplifications
can trigger further simplifications.

  Lambda nodes are simplified by SIMPLIFY-LAMBDA which will do the
  (LAMBDA () (X)) => X 
if the node is an exit, and also simplify the call node which is the
lambda body.

  Call nodes are simplified by SIMPLIFY-CALL.  Several simplifications
can be done:

      Primops can have presimplification code.  The only use of this at
    the moment is in predicates which call PRESIMPLIFY-TO-CONDITIONAL
    which substitutes a predicate in for the predicate primop of a 
    conditional as follows:

        ... ($<primop-predicate> . <args>))
       ((C_n NIL V_m) ($CONDITIONAL <exit1> <exit2> $TRUE? V_m))
     => ... ($CONDITIONAL <exit1> <exit2> $<primop-predicate> . <args>))

   Removal OPEN-FRAME:
     Calls to OPEN-FRAME are removed for calls to primops or lambdas.

   Remove Unused Call: 
     Calls to primops which have no side effects are removed if the value
     of the call is not used.

   Primop Simplifications:
     Each primop can have a simplification method which is applied to it.
     Generally one of the following functions is called:

     SIMPLIFY-TEST removes a conditional if a known value is being tested.
	 ($CONDITIONAL <then> <else> $TRUE? NIL)
	 => <else>
	 ($CONDITIONAL <then> <else> $TRUE? not-NIL)
	 => <then>

      the value tested may be a literal, or it may be a variable which was
      tested earlier.   A conditional which tests a variable propagates
      the result down the simplification of each arm of the conditional in
      SIMPLIFY-IF-CONSTANT-PREDICATE removes a conditional if all the
      arguments to the predicate are literals.  This function takes an
      argument which is a function to apply to the literal values to
      produce the truth value.  This function is usually the same as
      the primop.

      SIMPLIFY-IF-CONSTANT-EXPRESSION replaces a call to a primop with a
      literal value if all the arguments to the primop are literals.
	 ($FOO <exit> <literal1> <literal2> ...)
	 => (<exit> <exp-literal>) 
	 <exp-literal> = (funcall function <literal1> <literal2> ...)

      This function takes an argument which is a function to apply to the
      literals to produce the value.

      SIMPLIFY-FUNCALL simplifies a call to FUNCALL of a lambda to be an
      ordinary call of the lambda.
	 ($FUNCALL-INTERNAL <exit> <lambda-node> . <args>)
	 => (<lambda-node> <exit> . <args>)

   The Y primop which is used to implement LABELS is simplified by
SIMPLIFY-Y which which does the following simplifications:
   If a label proc is not called, remove it.
   If a label proc is called only once, substitute it in.

   If the CALL-PROC of a call is a lambda then SIMPLIFY-LET is called.
A call to a lambda is generally only used to bind variables.
SIMPLIFY-LET will attempt to substitute the argument values for
variables in the body of the lambda, remove variables which are not used
in the body, and finally remove the lambda call itself if it has no

   An interesting substitution is the substitution of lambdas for join
variables.  The function SUBSTITUTE-JOIN-ARGUMENTS will perform the

     (IF (IF a b c) d e) => (IF a (IF b d e) (IF c d e))

if b or c is a literal by substituting copies of the continuation which
is the outside IF into the places where the inside IF calls that
   Here is the simplified node tree for the example function:
     ((COUNT_9 NIL K_0 N_1) ($Y 1 ^Y_12))   
      ((Y_12 NIL C_10 COUNT-1_2) (C_10 0 ^C_11 ^COUNT-1_13))   
       ((C_11 NIL NIL)   ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_35 '#{CALL-NODE COUNT-1_2 62667763}))   
	((C_35)           (COUNT-1_2 1 K_0 '0 N_1))   
       ((COUNT-1_13 NIL K_3 I_4 N_5) ($CONDITIONAL 2 ^C_28 ^C_18 $2-ARG->= I_4 N_5))   
	((C_28 NIL)       (K_3 0 'T))      
	((C_18 NIL)       ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_20 '#{CALL-NODE PRINT_19 62671335}))   
	 ((C_20)           (PRINT_19 1 ^B_25 N_5))   
	  ((B_25 IGNORE_24) ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_23 '#{CALL-NODE COUNT-1_2 62667150}))   
	   ((C_23)           ($1- 1 ^C_22 I_4))   
	    ((C_22 NIL V_21)  (COUNT-1_2 1 K_3 V_21 N_5))   


   The analysis phase makes several passes over the node tree and
various slots of the nodes are filled in with the information gathered.

   Analysis of the Node tree consists of three passes:

      Strategy analysis
      Live variable analysis
      Environment Analysis

Strategy Analysis

   Strategy analysis determines for each lambda node the strategy which
will be used to compile it.  There are four strategies:

 OPEN  - This lambda is a simple continuation, it is called
         from a single place and returns to a single place.
         It will turn into a piece of straight line code.

 LABEL - This lambda may be called from many places, but only has
         one continuation, i.e. it always returns to the same place.
         It can be a piece of inline code, but will need a label
         which may be branched to.

 PROC  - This lambda is called from more than one place with different
         continuations.  It needs to be an actual subroutine.  It is
         always called and never used as an argument to any call and
         therefore does not actually have to have an actual function
         object associated with it, or be heap closed.  STRATEGY/PROC
         is not currently being used,  PROC lambdas are given
         STRATEGY/HEAP and become separate heap closed functions.         

 HEAP  - This lambda is used as an argument to a call, and therefore
         may persist indefinitly and be called with FUNCALL.  A function
         object needs to be created and possibly a closure consed.

   The strategy analysis phase also computes the set of variables used
within each lambda.  The used variables are the variables referenced
within the lexical scope of the lambda.  The used variables are needed
for closure analysis.  Any variables used within a STRATEGY/HEAP lambda
must be closed over.

   Here is the strategy analysis and used variables of the sample node tree:

  ((B_506 NIL K_505) (K_505 0 ^COUNT_9))					   STRATEGY/HEAP  ()
   ((COUNT_9 NIL K_0 N_1) ($Y 1 ^Y_12))						   STRATEGY/HEAP  ()
    ((Y_12 NIL C_10 COUNT-1_2) (C_10 0 ^C_11 ^COUNT-1_13))			   STRATEGY/LABEL (N_1)
     ((C_11 NIL NIL)   ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_35 '#{CALL-NODE COUNT-1_2}))		   STRATEGY/OPEN  (N_1)
      ((C_35)           (COUNT-1_2 1 K_0 '0 N_1))				   STRATEGY/OPEN  (N_1)
     ((COUNT-1_13 NIL K_3 I_4 N_5) ($CONDITIONAL 2 ^C_28 ^C_18 $2-ARG->= I_4 N_5)) STRATEGY/LABEL ()
      ((C_28 NIL)       (K_3 0 'T))						   STRATEGY/LABEL ()
      ((C_18 NIL)       ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_20 '#{CALL-NODE PRINT_19}))		   STRATEGY/LABEL (N_5 I_4)
       ((C_20)           (PRINT_19 1 ^B_25 N_5))				   STRATEGY/OPEN  (N_5 I_4)
        ((B_25 IGNORE_24) ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_23 '#{CALL-NODE COUNT-1_2}))	   STRATEGY/OPEN  (I_4 N_5)
         ((C_23)           ($1- 1 ^C_22 I_4))					   STRATEGY/OPEN  (I_4 N_5)
          ((C_22 NIL V_21)  (COUNT-1_2 1 K_3 V_21 N_5))				   STRATEGY/OPEN  (N_5)

Live Analysis

   Live variable analysis computes the set of variables which are live
at each lambda node.  Live variables are those variables whose values
will still be needed.  Notice how this differs from used variables.
Used variables are those variables which are used lexically within the
scope of a lambda, they capture the essence of lexical scoping and are
used to determine closure environments.  Live variables are those
variables which are used dynamically within the extent of a lambda, they
are used to determine when variable values are no longer needed and when
registers holding those values may be reused.

   Live variable analysis in a tree would be a simple matter of finding
the live variables below a node, then removing those variables bound at
the node.  However, the control structure of code trees is tangled by
function calls (also meaning goto's and continuations) back up in the

For example in:

     (defun live-y (x)
       (labels ((f (y)
		     (g y)
		     (print y))
		   (g (z)
		     (print z)))
	  (f x)))

y is live in g. (Therefore z cannot share storage with y. This could
happen because g wants to be substituted inline into f, in fact if the
(print y) were not there it would be a good idea.) The continuation to g
is known to be ((B_3 IGNORE_2) (PRINT K_0 Y_1)) therefore the variable y
is live in g by virtue of g referring to its continuation. What we get
is a graph with a definite root and leaves but with cross links and

  The algorithm for finding live variables is to make multiple passes
over the graph, proceeding in a depth first manner.  Each node will be
marked with the pass number. At each node we check the pass number to
see if we have looped. If so, we return the nodes current list of live
variables.  If not, we find the live variables of the children of the
node and construct the live variables for this node.  If this list is
different we update the node and set a flag saying there were changes on
this pass.  We make passes over the graph until there are no changes.

  This algorithm calculates the live variables for a node once for each
pass (therefore each pass is O(n) n = number of nodes), and makes a
number of passes equal to 2 + the length of the longest chain up.

Here is the live variable analysis of the example function:

  ((B_506 NIL K_505) (K_505 0 ^COUNT_9))					   ()
   ((COUNT_9 NIL K_0 N_1) ($Y 1 ^Y_12))						   (PRINT_19)
    ((Y_12 NIL C_10 COUNT-1_2) (C_10 0 ^C_11 ^COUNT-1_13))			   (PRINT_19 K_0 N_1)
     ((C_11 NIL NIL)   ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_35 '#{CALL-NODE COUNT-1_2 62667763}))     (N_1 K_0 PRINT_19 COUNT-1_2)
      ((C_35)           (COUNT-1_2 1 K_0 '0 N_1))				   (N_1 K_0 PRINT_19 COUNT-1_2)
     ((COUNT-1_13 NIL K_3 I_4 N_5) ($CONDITIONAL 2 ^C_28 ^C_18 $2-ARG->= I_4 N_5)) (PRINT_19 COUNT-1_2)
      ((C_28 NIL)       (K_3 0 'T))						   (K_3)
      ((C_18 NIL)       ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_20 '#{CALL-NODE PRINT_19 62671335}))     (N_5 PRINT_19 I_4 K_3 COUNT-1_2)
       ((C_20)           (PRINT_19 1 ^B_25 N_5))				   (N_5 PRINT_19 I_4 K_3 COUNT-1_2)
        ((B_25 IGNORE_24) ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_23 '#{CALL-NODE COUNT-1_2 62667150}))  (I_4 N_5 K_3 PRINT_19 COUNT-1_2)
         ((C_23)           ($1- 1 ^C_22 I_4))					   (I_4 N_5 K_3 PRINT_19 COUNT-1_2)
          ((C_22 NIL V_21)  (COUNT-1_2 1 K_3 V_21 N_5))				   (N_5 K_3 PRINT_19 COUNT-1_2)

Environment Analysis

 Environment analysis determines for each lambda what the closed environment
looks like.

Code Generation

The Code Generation phase consists of three subphases:
   Register Allocation
   Code Generation
   Post Processing

Register Allocation

  The register allocator examines each variable used in the code and
determines a home for it.

  For each variable a target is determined which is the best place to
put the variable.  The target may be a specific register, for instance
the first argument variable of a function is always targeted to A0, or a
variable used as the second argument to a function may be targeted to
O1.  The target may also be * to specify any register or A* to specify
any Active register.  The target may also be another variable which
specifies that it would be good for the variable to be kept in the same
place as the target variable.  This is the case when a variable is
setqed to the value of another variable or when a LABELS function is
called with a variable as an argument.

   Each variable is also placed in a preference class.  A preference
class consists of a target and a list of variables.  All the variables
in a preference class will be assigned to a single location (consistent
with the target).  When a variable is targeted to another variable,
their preference classes are combined as long as there are no conflicts.
A variable would conflict with another if the value of one is still live
within the extent of the other.  If the variables in the preference
classes do not conflict then the targets are reconciled (for example if
one class has a target of A2 and the other has a target of A* then the
combined class will have target of A2) and the lists of variables in the
two classes is combined.

  After all variables have been placed in preference classes any classes
with targets of A* or * are assigned to available A registers or to
stack slots.  All variables in a preference class then have their
VARIABLE-LOC slots set to the location of that class.

   Here is an example of preference classes and register assignments for
the sample function:

  Register preference classes:
    (A*  N_5)
    (*  V_21 I_4)
    (IGNORE  K_3)
    (IGNORE  COUNT-1_2)
    (IGNORE  C_10)
    (A0  N_1)
    (IGNORE  K_0)
  Register Assignments:
    N_5:       A1
    V_21:      A2
    I_4:       A2
    K_3:       IGNORE
    C_10:      IGNORE
    N_1:       A0
    K_0:       IGNORE

  V_21 is the value of the call to 1- and we can see from the node tree
that it is used as the argument to a call to COUNT-1 where its value
will go into I_4.  We can avoid a move if V_21 and I_4 can actually be
kept in the same register.  Since the two variables are not live at the
same time, they can be put in the same preference class.  Eventually the
preference class is assigned to A2 and both V_21 and I_4 are assigned to

Code Generation

   GENERATE is the top level function to generate code.  Given an
optimized, analyzed code tree, it returns an NCOMPILED-FUNCTION object.
This is a structure which contains the list of machine instructions and
the link information.

function (heap lambda node).  It is called with the toplevel function,
and is also called recursively to generate any internal functions.
During the processing of a lambda node, various other lambda nodes
(usually STRATEGY/LABEL) may be referred to but not immediately
generated.  These are queued on *lambda-queue*.  GENERATE-FUNCTION will
process lambda nodes from this queue until it is empty.

   GENERATE-FUNCTION calls GENERATE-LAMBDA which emits a tag and
dispatches on the strategy of the lambda for some initializations.  Some
global variables containing the compilers idea of the state of the
program will be initialized or updated:

   *ENVIRONMENT*   contains the current lexical environment.
   *ENV-ACC*       contains an accessor for the current environment.
   *DYNAMIC-STATE* contains the current dynamic state to be unwound on exit.
                   For example: special variables bound, open frames, open
                   catchers etc.
   *STACK-SLOTS*   contains the number of stack slots currently in use.

  The body of the lambda is then generated by GENERATE-CALL which
dispatches on the type of the CALL-PROC.  

  Calls to primops go to GENERATE-PRIMOP-CALL which calls the primops
generation function then calls GENERATE-CONTINUATION.

  Calls to lambda nodes go to GENERATE-LET which binds the lambda's
variables and calls GENERATE-LAMBDA to generate the body.

  Calls to variables may be to known or unknown variables.  Known
variables will be LABELS functions or bound continuations.  Unknown
variables will be top level continuations (ie function returns) or
unknown calls which are ordinary function calls.  A function call is
generated by GEN-GENERAL-CALL which assigns the arguments to open
registers and emits the call.

  Instructions are emitted by the function EMIT, which is called by
other more useful functions such as EMIT-CALL, EMIT-ALU, EMIT-MOVE, etc.

  Parallel assignment of places to values is done by the function
PARALLEL-ASSIGN.  This function uses GENERATE-MOVE which is used by many
other functions to move a value to someplace.  GENERATE-MOVE is a
general purpose function which can move a quantity from anywhere to
anywhere else.

  At the end of most calls, GENERATE-CONTINUATION is called with the
place in which the call left its value, and the continuation to the
call.  The value is moved to the correct place (although often it is in
the right place because most things call CONTINUATION-EXPECTING to get
their destination) and the continuation is generated.

  There are many functions which generate code for specific primitives
or situations.  Some of these are explained in the section on Extending
the Compiler.

  ((COUNT_9 NIL K_0 N_1) ($Y 1 ^Y_12))                                             STRATEGY/HEAP
   ((Y_12 NIL C_10 COUNT-1_2) (C_10 0 ^C_11 ^COUNT-1_13))                          STRATEGY/LABEL
    ((C_11 NIL NIL)   ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_35 '#{CALL-NODE COUNT-1_2 62667763}))      STRATEGY/OPEN
     ((C_35)           (COUNT-1_2 1 K_0 '0 N_1))                                   STRATEGY/OPEN
    ((COUNT-1_13 NIL K_3 I_4 N_5) ($CONDITIONAL 2 ^C_28 ^C_18 $2-ARG->= I_4 N_5))  STRATEGY/LABEL
     ((C_28 NIL)       (K_3 0 'T))                                                 STRATEGY/LABEL
     ((C_18 NIL)       ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_20 '#{CALL-NODE PRINT_19 62671335}))      STRATEGY/LABEL
      ((C_20)           (PRINT_19 1 ^B_25 N_5))                                    STRATEGY/OPEN
       ((B_25 IGNORE_24) ($OPEN-FRAME 1 ^C_23 '#{CALL-NODE COUNT-1_2 62667150}))   STRATEGY/OPEN
        ((C_23)           ($1- 1 ^C_22 I_4))                                       STRATEGY/OPEN
         ((C_22 NIL V_21)  (COUNT-1_2 1 K_3 V_21 N_5))                             STRATEGY/OPEN

Emitted code:

  (BRANCH C_18)

Post Processing
   The Post processor is a peephole optimizer whose function is to
combine instructions which can be executed in parallel by the various
sections of the proccessor, ALU, call hardware, test and branch etc.
For example, call hardware operations can be collapsed into alu
instructions and a register to register move can be collapsed into a
call.  In the example above the code:


can be optimized to the single instruction:


   Here is the post processed version of the emitted code:

Post Processed:
   1      (MOVE A1 A0 BOXED-RIGHT)
   2      (ALU L-R NOP A2 A1 BW-24 DT-BOTH-FIXNUM)
   4      (BRANCH C_18 NIL)

   The function POST-PROCESS takes a list of emited instructions
in reverse order and produces a list of optimised instructions
suitable for the assembler.


   The assembler takes a list of instructions, either from the post
processor or passed to it from DEFAFUN and produces an
NCOMPILED-FUNCTION object which contains a list of numeric K machine
instructions, plus link information consisting of entry points, external
references, local references, and immediates.  For more information on
linking see the documentation on Static Linking.

   Each instruction consists of an opcode symbol followed by some fixed
fields followed by a list of optional field specifiers.  Instructions
are defined by DEF-INST. 
   Optional fields that can be specified in instructions include byte width,
datatype trap, boxedness of the result, call hardware operation etc.

   The assembler has symbol tables for the values of the fields.  The
disassembler uses automatically generated inverse tables.

Extending the Compiler

   The most typical way to extend the compiler is to write new PRIMOPs.

   A PRIMOP is called in the source code like a normal function.  Each
PRIMOP will have a special GENERATE function which will be called at the
time the CALL-NODE calling the PRIMOP is generated.  The function will
take the CALL-NODE and emit code.  It will then return a destination
accessor telling where to find the value of the PRIMOP which is expected
by its continuation.

   PRIMOPs are defined by DEFINE-PRIMOP.  Various fields and flags may
be specified as follows:

  :CONDITIONAL?  T if this is a predicate, ie, the value
                 is a boolean and this predicate may be
                 an argument to IF

  :SPECIAL?      T if a continuation should not be generated
                 for this primop, usually used only for
                 more obscure flow of control primops

  :PRESIMPLIFY   Code to do some simplification before the simplification
                 pass.  The major use of this is for predicates, which
                 should call PRESIMPLIFY-TO-CONDITIONAL

  :SIDE-EFFECTS? This should be T for any primop which has side effects.
                 Primops without side effects may be removed by simplification
                 if their value is not used. 

  :SIMPLIFY      code which attempts to simplify this primop

  :GENERATE      Code which generates the code of this primop.
                 Unless :special? is specified, this code
                 must return an accessor for the return value,
                 GENERATE-CONTINUATION will move the return value
                 to the appropriate place.

   Primitives used in the compilation of Common Lisp are defined in the
file PRIMITIVES.  Primitives for using the hardware at a low level are
defined in the file HW-PRIMITIVES.  Here is an example of a primitive

     (define-primop 1+ (n)
       (:simplify (node)
          (simplify-if-constant-expression node '1+))
       (:generate (node)
	  (generate-fixnum-unop node 'K:R+1))
       (:type (node) '((number) number)))
   The most common things for simplification code to do are to either
These should be called for PRIMOPs with no side effects whose value can
be determined at compile time if all thier arguments are constant.
These functions take as argument a function which will compute the value
of the primop from the arguments.

  Generation of code for a primop is handled by code specified in the
:GENERATE option to DEFINE-PRIMOP.  This code is the body of a function
which takes the CALL-NODE as an argument, emits the code, and returns an
accessor for the value returned by the primop.

  There are many useful functions that can be used in the generation
function, here are some of them:

Getting Arguments

CALL-ARGS call-node
     Returns a list of arguments including the continuation
   argument.  Often used with DESTRUCTURE.

CALL-ARG-N n call-node
     Returns the Nth argument to the call node.  The continuation
   argument is 1.  (0 is the call-proc).

Getting Instruction Operands

      Get something into the appropriate place for being a left
   source.  Returns a value to be used for the left source field.

    Get something into the appropriate place for being a right
   source.  Returns a value to be used for the right source field.
   This is like GET-LEFT-OPERAND except functional sources can be
   used (particularly the MD)

GET-OPERANDS left-ref right-ref -> left right
     Get two things into the right places to be left and right
   operands, returning two values: the left operand field and the
   right operand field.  It is important to use this if there will
   be two operands so that an instruction is not generated with two
   globals in different frames.

     Given a continuation, returns the destination field for an

GET-DEST-AND-RIGHT-OPERAND cont right-ref -> dest right
     Given a continuation and a reference to something to appear as
   a right operand, return operands for the destination and right

GET-DEST-AND-OPERANDS cont left-ref right-ref -> dest left right
     Given a continuation and two refs, get the values into correct
   places to be left and right operands and return three values, the
   destination field and the left and right operand fields.  It is
   important to use this function if the instruction needs all three
   fields, so that no problems with multiple global variabls occur.

Emitting Instructions

EMIT op &rest operands
  Emit an instruction.  Example:

     (define-primop hw:write-map (value)
       (:side-effects? t)
       (:generate (node)
	 (let ((ref (get-right-operand (call-arg-n 2 node))))
	   (emit 'K:MOVE 'K:MEMORY-MAP ref 'K:UNBOXED)
	   (emit 'K:MOVE 'K:MEMORY-MAP ref 'K:UNBOXED)

EMIT-ALU op dest left right &optional options
    Emits an ALU instruction.
    OP is the alu operation ie K:L+R
    DEST is the destination
    LEFT is the left operand
    RIGHT is the right operand
    OPTIONS is a list of options ie K:BW-24, K:UNBOXED

     (define-primop hw::signed-multiply-step (a b)
       (:side-effects? t)
       (:generate (node)
	 (destructure (((cont a b) (call-args node)))
	   (multiple-value-bind (dest left right)
	       (get-dest-and-operands cont a b)
	     (emit-alu 'K:SMUL-STEP dest left right '(K:BW-24 K:BOXED-RIGHT))

Higher Level Functions:

GENERATE-BINOP node op rev-op &rest options
     Given a node for a call to a binary operation, this function
   does all the work to generate the code. OP is the alu operation.
   REV-OP is the reverse alu operation which would be appropriate if
   the left and right side were reversed (this is not currently
   used).  OPTIONS are any options such as byte-width or boxedness.
   For example, here is the call that is used for subtraction:
      (generate-binop node 'K:L-R 'K:R-L
GENERATE-UNOP node op &rest options
     Like GENERATE-BINOP but for unary operations.  This puts the
   argument to the primop on the right side.

     This is like GENERATE-UNOP but takes care of adding all the
   appropriate options for a fixnum operation, including
   K:DT-BOTH-FIXNUM-WITH-OVERFLOW.  It also takes care of finding
   something appropriate for the data type trap test to find on the
   left side.

COMPARATOR node cond &rest options
     Generates an arithmetic comparison.  A subtraction is generated
   and GENERATE-CONDITIONAL is called with the branch condition
   passed in COND.  Examples:

     (define-primop eq (x y)
      (:presimplify (node)
	(presimplify-to-conditional node))
      (:simplify (node)
	(simplify-if-constant-predicate node 'eq))
      (:generate (node)
	(comparator node 'K:BR-NOT-EQUAL 'K:BW-32))
      (:conditional? t))

     (define-primop li:%char< (n1 n2)
      (:presimplify (node)
	(presimplify-to-conditional node))
      (:simplify (node)
	 (simplify-if-constant-predicate node 'char<))
      (:generate (node)
	(comparator node 'K:BR-NOT-LESS-THAN
      (:conditional? t))

     Generate a conditional.  The code has already been generated to
   set the condition codes, now generate the test and flow of
   control to the then and else continuations.  NODE is a call node
   to the primop CONDITIONAL.  COND is a branch condition for branching
   to the false continuation.  

     (define-primop 2-arg-= (number1 number2)
      (:presimplify (node)
	(presimplify-to-conditional node))
      (:simplify (node)
	 (simplify-if-constant-predicate node '=))
      (:generate (node)
	(let ((left  (call-arg-n 4 node))
	      (right (call-arg-n 5 node)))
	  (multiple-value-bind (l r) (get-operands left right)
	    (emit-alu 'K:XOR 'K:NOP l r '(K:BW-24 K:DT-BOTH-FIXNUM)))
	  (generate-conditional node 'K:BR-NOT-EQUAL)))
      (:conditional? t))

   (Notice that = does not use COMPARATOR because it does not use
   subtraction to check for equality.  This is so that the datatype
   trap handler can tell the difference between = and < etc for
   complex numbers.)

GENERATE-ARITH-PREDICATE node cond &rest options
     Tests a single value for a condition.  Does a MOVE then calls
   GENERATE-CONDITIONAL with COND which is a branch condition.

     (define-primop hw:32zerop (number)
       (:conditional? t)
       (:presimplify (node)
	 (presimplify-to-conditional node))
       (:generate (node)
	 (generate-arith-predicate node 'K:BR-NOT-ZERO)))

     Like GENERATE-ARITH-PREDICATE but does the right thing for
   fixnums including options and datatype trapping.

     (define-primop minusp (number)
       (:presimplify (node)
	 (presimplify-to-conditional node))
       (:simplify (node)
	 (simplify-if-constant-predicate node 'minusp))
       (:generate (node)
	 (generate-fixnum-arith-predicate node 'K:BR-NOT-NEGATIVE))
       (:conditional? t)


[1] Kranz, David, Richard Kelsey, Jonathan Rees, Paul Hudak, James Philbin,
    Norman Adams; ORBIT: An Optimizing Compiler for Scheme.
    Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '86 Symposium on Compiler Construction

[2] Steele, Guy L.; RABBIT: A Compiler for Scheme. AI Technical Report 474;
    MIT; May 1978.
[3] Steele, Guy L.    LAMBDA: The Ultimate Imperative,