Transcribed 1/31/2019  Jay Jaeger

I do NOT guarantee 100% accuracy.  

Note:  In the below, PTH == "Plated Thru Hole"

Found some ECO and FCOs that may matter, but not separate rework sheets.

In reading the pamphlet that came with the DEC Maintenance Documentation Service, ECOs, those performed in house, were never released outside of the factory - instead the drawings were updated.  FCOs were, and in some of those cases, below, there was detailed cut/jumper information in the DEC-O-Log.  To make matters a little confusing, sometimes FCOs seems to be referred to as ECOs by later entries, but, generally, it looks like those identifiers that start with a number are ECOs and those that start with a letter are FCOs.

Below is a synopsis of what I felt was relevant.  I have no way to scan the fiche.   The transcriptions below are not always word for word. A (?) means I cam across something that I am not quite sure of.  PTH means Plated Thru Hole

  There are numerous chassis-type ECOs which I did not transcribe.
  But here are some that are more "interesting" and/or may resolve safety

11/45-B0031 CODE: DF  DD: C  JUL-72  [FCO]
  Problem 1:  If plugs P12 and P13 in the PDP-11/45 power harness
  are interchanged, AC is puit on the -15V EDC line.
  Correction:  Change AC connection on P13 to correspond to ground
  pin on p12.
  (more not transcribed)

11/45-B031A  CODE: DF  AUG-72  [FCO]
  Problem:  Proposed fix for potential hazard cotained in FCO
  11/45-B0031 does not solve problem.
  Correction:  Disregard Problem 1 and Correction 1 a one wire
  change ? of FCO 11/45-B0031.  Disregard ADD/DELETE sheet.
  (Cancels rework, becomes a documentation change only)

11/45-00037  CODE: D  DD: F  WL: C  [ECO]
  Problem:  -15V and DCLO are both violet wires.
  Correction:  Change -15V #14 AWG grey.  Change FV2 from grey
  to violet.

11/45-00047  CODE: D  DD: L  FEB-73 [ECO]
  Problem:  Effectiv march 1 1973 all scheduled March and later
  PDP-11/45 machiens are to have 861 power control installed in
  place of 860 power control.

11/45-C0051  CODE: F  WL: D  APR-73 [FCO]
  Problem:  Fan wiring radiates AC line noise into AC LOW and
  DC LOW signals in harness.
  Correction:  Replace 18 guage rand and white twisted pair
  wiring for fans with shielded 18 guage twisted pair
  #91-07701 (?)

11/45-C0052 CODE: F  DD: R  JUL-73 [FCO]
  Problem:  Top of cabinet fans inject noise into system 
  AC DC LO circuitry wires unless damped by H742.
  Correction:  Lower H742 and cabinet fans must be plugged
  into line #1 of the 861 power control.  Both plugs one
  for the lower H742 and the other for the top cabinet fan
  are to be inserted into the recptacles at the farthest
  to the right when facing the 861 power control from the
  Symptoms exhibited before implementation of this FCO are
  random failures when running the power fail diagnostic
  and turning power on and off using the circuit breaker
  on the 861 power control.

11/45-00053 CODE: D  DD: S  AUG-73 [ECO]
  Problem 1: There is no warning that 15VDC is still 
  present when key lock is in the off position.
  Correction:  Add a decal.
  Correction 2:  Delete ?? DDP 2 software references on
  drawings D AR d11 45-0-4 and C PL-11 45-0-4.

11/45-00057  CODE: D  DD: Y (no date:  Feb-74 to Jun-74 ?) [ECO]
  Problem 1:  Harness does not distribute -15V power to 
  system uinits when H754 (+20V, -5V) regulator is used in
  CPU regulator lcoation E
  Correction 1:  Add connectors P45 and J45 to permit
  jumpering -15V.
  Problem 2:  Shield for fan wiring should be grounded at
  H742 to prevent noise problems.
  Correction 2:  Ground sheild at P23 instead of P44.
  Note that H742 must have ECO H742-00019 installed.
  Problem 3/Correction: Wire list as incorrect wire lenght
  entries.  Correct.

11/45-S0060  CODE: F  DD: AB  AUG-76 [FCO]
   Problem:  +5V power may have excessive voltage drop (greater 
   than 1/2 volt) to the 3-system unit options at the back of
   the CPU.
   Correction:  Revise CPU power harness to include additional
   wiring.  ... Only PDP-11/45s with serial numbers below 2000
   are affected.

11/45-S0061  CODE: F  DD: AC  JUL-75  [ECO]
   Problem:  machines with greater than 16K of MOS memory need
   more power than can be supplied by one H746 MOS regulator.
   This ECO must be installed in conjunction with ECO
   Correction:  Modify CPU harness to accommodate second H746
   MOS regulator.  This ECO adds P30 to the 70-9540 harness
   in units with serial numbers above 2000, addes changes to old
   70-08784 harness in units with serial numbers below 2000.

11/45-R0065  CODE: F  DD: AH  FEB-77 [FCO]
   Problem 1:  KB11-A backpanel must be changed for future
   compatibility with FP11-C and KB11-D processor.  FP11-C
   will not run with KB11-A's at wire list P or earlier.
   Correction 1:  Update backpanel wiring.  There are two
   wiring DELETEs and thirty-four (ed: !!!) wiring ADDs.
   Problem 2:  New versions of the 11/45 using the KB11-D
   must be documented.  (ed.  D'oh).
   Correction 2:  Udpate docuemntation

   Rework all backpanels built after March 19, 1976.  All 
   backpanels used in KB11-D processors must be reworked
   to revision R.  Retrofit all KB11-As to Wire List
   revision R when FP11-C upgrade is implemented.
   QUICK CHECK.  Wire ADD D15E2 to F05C1.

11/45-00066 CODE: D  DD: AJ JUN-76 [ECO]
   Problem 1:  The BM873-YB, DL11-A and the KW11-L are
   being replaced by M9301-YB (for the BM873-YB) and
   DL11-W (for both the DL11-A and KW11-L).

KB11 These look to be for the PDP-11/45 chassis.  Only "interesting" ones
included, not the mechanical ones.

KB11-00001  CODE: D  May-72  [ECO]
   Problem: Etch carrying +5V current from Mate-n-Lock pins to backpanel pins
   is not heaviy enough to carry required current.
   Correction:  Run 24AWG wire in parallel with etch on panels which already
   have Mat-n-Lock assembly installed.  Increase thickness of conductor with
   solder bead if Mate-n-Lock assembly not installed.
   PDP-11/45 system serial number 101 and later.

KB11-00002  CODE: D  JUN-72 [ECO]
   Problem:  Two addiitional signal lines +15V, LTCL are required on KB11
   system unit power distribution card.
   Correction:  Add additional Mat-N-Lock connector and required wiring.

KB11-S0007  CODE: F  DD:Z  SEP-76
   Problem:  Unibus routing on KB11-A backplane can cause reflections of SSYN,
   BBSY and other signals due to "lumping" of A-C loads.  Machine may exhibit
   inexplicable problems such as parity errors, random data loss.
   Correction:  Reroute Unibus control signal wiring to reduce A-C loading.
   Rework all KB11-A's on heavily loaded systems if symptoms are evident.
   NOTES:  The revision P wire list is included asn an item of documentation
   as an aid in the ADD/DELETE re-routing of the KB11-A wiring.  This FCO
   provides excerpts from the revision N wire list showing those runs 
   affectedby this FCO.
   QUICK CHECK;  Wiring ADD a26P2 to F28D1

KB11-A  CPU Backpanel

KB11A-00001  CODE: P  MAY-72  [ECO]
   Correction:  provides minor corrections to the mounting strap drawing and
   corresponding changes to the part.

KB11A-00002  CODE: M  MAY-72  [ECO]
   Correction:  Orders reworking of card guide slots #1 and #4.

KB11A-00003  MAY-72  [ECO]
   This ECO replaces and supersedes ECO 7008871-00002

KB11A-00004  MAY-72  [ECO]
   This ECO replaces and supersedes ECO 7008871-00003

KB11A-00005 CODE: M  JUN-72
   Add a rubber bumper to prevent scratching of decal on fan housing

KB11A-A0008  CODE: DF  DD: C  WL:D  JUn-72  [FCO]
   Problem:  CMP.B and BIT.B instructions with R7 as a destination
   cause PC to be modified when source is a general register.   
   Correction:  Add signal BACB UPWEOO from GRA to DAP modules

KB11A-00007  CODE: P  DD: D  AUG-72  [ECO]
   Correction:  Adds information missing from drawing E-MU-KB11-A-01
   Documentation change only.

KB11A-B0008  CODE: DF  DD: E  WL: E  SEP-72  [FCO]
   Problem:  Small peripheral controller slots in KB11-A panel, slots
   26 thru 28, are not wired to accept some quad module controlers:
   NPG, PA, PB, LTC, ACLO, DCLO and +15V are missing.
   Correction:  Revis wiring to include signals lsited above.

KB11A-B0009  CODE: F  DD: F  WL: F  [FCO]
   Problem: Signal required for use on M8109 timing generator not
   presently wired on backplane.
   Correction:  Bring ROM 40 BL signal from RACB to TIGA.  Add
   wire to backplane D09J1 to C15M1.  This FCO must be installed in
   conjunction with M8109-B0008

KB11A-00010  CODE: D  SEP-72  [ECO]
   Problem:  AC wiring being pinched during opening and closing of
   cover of top fan housing.
   Correction;  Use only IMC BOXER fans on assembly #12-05033-1

KB11A-00011  CODE: P  DD: H  WL: H NOV-72 [ECO]
   Correction:  Change KB11-A Wire List prefixes to agree with prefixes
   in print set.  Documentation change only.

KB11A-A0012  CODE: F  DD: J  WL: J  DEC-72 [FCO]
   Problem:  11/45 processor does not meet UNIBUS cycle time specification.
   Correction:  Correct KB11-A back panel attached ADD/DELETE sheet and
   install FCO M8106-A0005 to UBC module.
   NOTE:  See correctino supplement FCO KB11A-A012A
   NOTE:  FCO M8106-A0005 is a prerequisite to this FCO. 

KB11A-A012A  CODE: F  DEC-72 [FCO]
   Problem:  Not all the add/deletes listed on sheet 2 of KB11A-A0012
   are necessary for this retrofit.
   Correction:  use the ADD/DELETE sheet included in this supplement
   for FCO KB11A-A0012.

KB11A-E0013 CODE: F  DD: K  WL: K  JAN-73 [FCO]
   Problem:  Improvie performance of PDP-11/45 processor as UNIBUS
   Correction:  Revise KB11-A Wire List as defined the ADD/DELETE
   sheet and install etch revision C M8104 module
   NOTE:  This FCO completes the total FCO package necessary
   for improving the speed performance of the PDP-11/45 with
   core memory.  Note prerequisite FCOs are KB11A-A0012,
   KB11A-A012A and M8106-A0005.

KB11A-00014 CODE: P  DD: L  [ECO]  JAN-73
   Correction:  Correct errors on the KB11-A Flow diagram drwing.
   DD-FD-KB11-A-03.  Documentation change only.

KB11A-D0015 CODE: F  DD:M  WL:L  [FCO]  MAR-73
   Problem: Detection of parity errors through vector 4 is slow.
   Correction:  Detect parity errors through vector 114.
   Wire Adds:
     D11D2 to A06P1, E12A1 to F11F1, C09K1 to E12A1
   NOTE:  This FCO must be installed in conjunction with the following
   FCOs to implement *core* parity:  M8100-D0003,
   M8103-D0005, M8106-D0007 and M8106-D0008.  Each of thsee related
   FCOs may be installed separately.  
   Note that MS11-B/-C semiconductor parity memories with etch
   revision B M8110s will NOT function properly when above FCOs
   are installed.  A new M8110 is being designed to function with
   these FCOs

KB11A-00016  CODE: P  DD:N  WL:M  MAR-73 [ECO]
   Problem:  KB11-A Wire List changes on previous ECOs were not 
   documented correctly in Wire List revisions.
   Correction:  Back the following wire list documentation
   changes:  Signal names BUSA ACO L and RACB UPWE00 H pins
   to be added, C28V1 and E06V2.

KB11A-0016A  CODE: P  JUN-73 [ECO]
   Problem:  The ADD/DELETE sheet distributed with ECO
   KB11A-00016 was distributed in error.
   Correction:  Disregard the ADD/DELETE sheet.  Correction
   notation on ECO KB11A-00016 contains sufficient informatino.

KB11A-B0017 CODE: F  DD: P  W: N  MAY-73 [FCO]
   Problem:  The KT11-C fails to abort on internal references.
   Marginal timing condition contributes to unreliable system
   Correction:  Add more precising timing to the M8108 modules
   by substituting T for TP signal.  The M8108 module must be
   at CS revision F or later.

KB11A-B017A  CODE: F  JUN-73  [FCO]
   Problem  ADD/DELETE sheet on FCO KB11A-B0017 is too difficult
   to install.  BREAK-IN EFFECTIVITY is no longer appropriate.
   Correction:  Disregard ADD/DELETE sheet on FCO KB11A-B0017
   and install ADD/DELETE sheet included with this supplement
   instead.  The ADD/DELETEs are as follows:
   ADD C15S2 to E13A1 and C15R1 to E11C2, a twistedpari.
   Disregard BREAK-IN EFFECTIVITY on FCO KB11A-B0017.
   All KB11-A panels manufactuired after 6/18/73 must included this
   change.  Also, all KB11-A panels with the KT11-C installed and with
   the M8108 having FCO M8108-80007 installed must have this change.

KB11A-00018  CODE: P  DD:R  AUG-73 [ECO]
   Problem:  Duplicated effort is being expended in wrapping the two
   signals SMCE MEM D14 H and MSCE MEM D15 H 
   Correction:  Delete SMCE MEM D14 H and SMCE MEM D 15 H from the
   wired assembly drawing as these two signals are presently being
   wrapped by the wire list.  Documentation change only.

KB11A-00019 CODE: P  DD: S  DEC-73 [ECO]
   Problem:  Two versions of the M8109 are bing shipped, but only one
   Circuit Schematic drawing is part of the print set.
   Correction:  Include both the standard and special revision drawings
   in all print sets by listing the special M revision on drawing

KB11A-00020  CODE: P  DD: T  JUN-74 [ECO]
   Problem:  Screw #90-09041-2 si not long enough to reach int soacer.
   Correction:  Replace with longer screw, nylon, 90-08212-1.

KB11A-00021  CODE: M  DD: U  JUN-74 [ECO]
   Present frame for the 11/45 CPU is expensive and it is difficult to
   maintain specifications.
   Correction:  Replace frame with a die cast frame.

KB11A-00022  CODE: M  DD: V  JAN-75 [ECO]
   Problem:  Die cast frame 74-10882 which was expected to be implemented
   January 1 1975 is not coming in from vendor correctly:  some serious
   design problems have also materialized.
   Correction:  Cotninue to use old assembly and related parts and do 
   not phase-in die cast frame 74-10882 that was called out on ECO

KB11A-S0023  CODE: F  DD: W  JUL-75 [FCO] 
   Problem: machines with over 16K of MOS memory need second H746
   regulator and require CPU backplane rework.
   Correction:  Rework assembled KB11-A backplanes.  Modify CPU
   harness to accommodate second H746 MOS regulator.  This ECO adds
   P30 to the70-09540 harness in units above serial number 2000.
   Add changes to the old70-8784 harness in units below serial
   number 2000.
   NOTE:  The field implementation details for FCO 11/45-00061 were
   incorporated into this FCO to facilitate its coincident
   QUICK CHECK:  H746 added in slot L of lower H742.

KB11A-R0024  CODE: F  DD: Y   NOV-75 [FCO]
   Symptom:  Bipolar memory loses power to do etch failure.
   Problem:  Excessive voltage drop across +5V etch running to
   semi-conductor memory locations slots 16 through 25.
   Correction:  Add five wires (#18 AWG Red) from Mate-N-Lock
   pin (soldered end of pins) to semi-conductor memory
   QUICK CHECK:  Wires added at A16A2, A19A2, A21A1, A24A2 and
   A02A2 (sic).

M8100-00001  CODE: D  CS A  Etch A  APR-72  
   Problem: Incorrect Range for START VECTOR
   Correction:  Change Etch, correct print errors

M8100-0001A   CODE: D  MAY-72
   Correct Error in M8100-00001
   Correction: Correct assembly hole drawing to show a jumper from 
      E11 pin 12 to E36 pin 4

M8100-A0002  CODE: DF  CS  B  Etch B  JUN-72  [FCO]
   Relayout board to eliminate jumpers and etch cuts
   NOTE:  Info for M8100-0004 indicates that no Etch B made it
       into the field.
M8100-A002A  CODE:  DF  JUN-72  [FCO]
   Problem:  Disposition code on M8100-A0002 is 02: phase-in
   Correction:  Change to code 03: rework immediately.
   Problem:  CMP.B and BIT.B instructions with 8MO (?) and DMO (?)
      DF7 will destroy the PC
   Correction:  Inhibit PCB clock under those conditions

M8100-C0003  CODE: F  CS C  Etch C  JAN-73 [FCO]
   Problem 1:  Parity errors require the generation of trap vector 114
   Correction:  Modify Trap Vector logic
   Required on all 11/45 systems with parity
   Problem 2/Correction 2:  Correct print errors on sheet copy

M8100-C003A CODE: F  [FCO]
   Change disposition code to 03 (allow rework)

M8100-00004  CODE: D  CS D  MAR-73 [ECO]
   M8100 generates a jumper selectable power-up vector address of 
   either octal 000024 or 173224 for 11/45,50,55 CPUs.  M9301
   boostraps require a vector of 173024 for push button boot and
   always boot after power fail functions to work when memory 
   locations 0-4K are semiconductor memory 
   Correction:  Modify M8100 to permit separate jumper selectable
   assertion of bit 07 and vector extension selectable
   as either 000XXX or 173XXX by adding an additional jumper (W7)
   (Prior to this ECO, selection of bit 07 [ed. so probably 07 is
   what got smudged, above) automatically asserted the 173XXX 
   vector extension)
   Phased in to all modules built after July 4, 1976.

M8100-R0005  CODE: F  CS: D  Etch: D  JAN-77 (yes, 1977)  [FCO?]
   Correction 1:  correct module history to rflect ECO's 00003
   and 0003A
   Problem 2:  ECO M8100-0004 is incomplete because additional
   modifications are needed for etch revision A M8100s which were not
   Correction 2:  Add step to procedure to include revision A.
   Problem 3:  ECO M8100-00004 the procedure may be confusing because
   it lacks a clear description of IC socket
   Correction:  Refer to this ECO for diagram describing socket E26
   QUICK CHECK:  Wire ADD from E18 pin 12 to E25 pin 6 (that is just a
   check, not the entire change!)

M8101-00001  CODE: D   CS B   MAR-72  [ECO]
   Unavailability of 74S194 ICs
   Use 74194 ICs

M8101-00002   CODE: P    JUN-72  [ECO]
   Correct Schematics (documentation only)

M8101-B0003  CODE:  F  CS D   DEC-72  [FCO]
   74194-1 ICs not available
   Change part description to 74S194
   Problem 2:  IC E62 is too slow under worst case conditions
   Replace E62 74194/74194-1 with 74S194

M8103-00001  CODE: D  CS B  Etch C  MAY-72  [ECO]
   Relayout to eliminate jumpers and etch cuts

M8103-B0002  CODE:  DF  JUL-72  [FCO]
   Problem:  Address Lines change between BUST-BEND cycles during
   SOB, MARK, and FP instructions causing data in MOS memory to be
   Correction:  Change ROM code for those instructions to keep address
   lines from changing.

M8103-00003  CODE: D  CS D  JAN-73  [ECO]
   Selected Schottky parts no longer needed
   replace 74S153-1 and 74S64-1 with 74S153 and 74S64

M8103-D0004   CODE: F   CS E  JAN-73 [FCO]
   Problem:  Signal RACB UBSD01 H is overloaded and RACB ROM40 B L
      causes bad T3 pulses under margins
   Correction: Buffer UBSD01 and bring to same module finger as ROM40 B
   Note:  Without this FCO, proper operation of the PDP-11/45 cannot be
   guaranteed with the processor operating at approximately 250 to 280
   nsec. T1 to T1.

M8103-C0005  CODE: F CS F  MAR-73  [FCO]
   Problem:  parity errors need special abort logic to assert 
     ZAP signal.
   Correction:  Modify ZAP gate on RACA
   (There is an M8103-C005A, which is just a cover sheet change)

M8103-C0006  CODE: F  CS H  OCT-73  (CO-requisite M8105-C0007)  [FCO]
   Problem:  The processor can hang in T2 and pause with 
      UBCB GET BUS flip flop cleared because of a glitch on the
      RACH DIS BUS T signal.   In MOS or bipolar memory systems
      data may be taken from the wrong address.
      Cut etch side 2 from E54 pin 9 to feed thru
      Jumper:  E40 pin 2 to E17 pin 1
               E40 pin 12 to E54 pin 9
               E40 pin 1 to E94 pin 7
               E40 pin 13 to feed thru at lower right of
                  E86 pin 8 which connects on side 2 to DU2

M8105-00001  CODE: D  CS B  Etch C  MAR-72  [ECO]
   Etch Errors

M8105-00002  CODE:  D  CS C  MAY-72  [ECO]
   Change disable gate in priority arbitration

M8105-B0003  CODE: DF  CS D  Etch E  Aug-72  [FCO]
   Problem: PIRQ LEV 1 request locks out T bit if PSW priority is
      at LEV 1
   Correction:  remove PIR LEV 1 from inhibiting T bit by
      Cutting etch from E50 pin 5 to E46 pin 6
      Adding jumper from E50 pin 5 to E50 pin 4
   NOTE:  Existing diagnostics (at the time) did not test for this

M8105-00004 CODE: D   CS E  DEC-72  [ECO]
   Not necessary to have 74S74-45 in E37
   Replace with 74S74

M8105-D0005  CODE: F   CS F  MAR-73  [FCO]
   Parity errors are time consuming to detect through vector 4
   Core parity requires these changes:
      M8100-D0003, M8103-D0005, M8105-D0005, M8106-D0007,
      KB11A-D0015 and M8106-D0008
   FCO's may be installed separately - each FCO relies upon the others
      only to fully implement parity.
   NOTE:  MS11-B/-C semiconductor parity memories with etch revision
      "B" M8110s will NOT function properly with these FCOs.
      A new M8110 was designed)

M8105-C0006  CODE:  F  CS H  JUN-73 [FCO]
   Problem:  references to internal registers cause unnecessary data
      to be put on the UNIBUS
   Correction:  Disable TMCD XX BYTE EN H until master sync is asserted
      E15 pin 2 side 2 
      Third plated thru hole (PTH) left of E05 pin 1 side 1
    PTH connected to E09 pin 7 to PTH to right of E09 pin 7
    PTH connected to E09 pin 1 to E16 pin 2
    PTH connected to E09 pin 2 to E07 pin 2
    E15 pin 2 to E15 pin 5
    PTH connected to E09 pin 3 to third PTH left of E01-05  ****
       CAREFUL:  Note the DISCREPANCY with 2nd cut.  ?????
       One of the two is probably WRONG.  ??? ****
   INSERT:  74S00 at E09

M8105-C0007  CODE: F   CS J OCT-73  [FCO]
   (See M8103-C0006 for description)
   Co-requisite M8103-C00006

   Correction:  Create ROM decode of BUST H on the M8103 board.    
   Jumper the new source of BUST H into M8105 logic.

   On THIS board (M8105)
   Cut:  E34 pin 08 side 1
   Jumper:  PTH CT2 to PTH DU2

M8105-0008  CODE:  D  CS K  Etch E   NOV-73  [ECO]
   MOS Memory Systems with KT11-C could pick up bits [Ed.  I think they
     mean pick up as in cause bits to flip ON] in MOS Memory during
     KT11-C abort traps.
   Correction:  Issue TMCE BEND CLRL to MOS control during the pause
      ROM cycle.
   No rework!  They issued a new Etch F

M8106-00001  CODE:  D  CS B  APR-72  [ECO]
   Problem 1:  UBCE (?) PUT flipflop gets cleared after DCLO 
   goes away by START SW because 15V is not present at the console 
   when DCLO becomes false.
   Correction 1: Remove START SW from clearing PUP and replace with

   Problem 2:  TIG signal prefixes change due to additional 
     TIG print
   Correction 2:  Correct TIG names
   Problem 3:  Clearing SEG ABORT with ACKN is not fast enough for
   operation at 140 nsec
   Correction 3:  remove SEG ABORT from SSYN RESTART and use
   ABORT * DESKEW COMPLETE to restart.  Also remove BUST * T2
   from clearing DESKEW register.

M8106-B0002:  CODE DF  CS: C  MAY-72  [FCO]
   Timing DFiagram must gbe added to print set.  Etch board ready
   to be corrected.
   Add Timing Diagrams UBCK, UBCL and UBCM to prints.
   relayout etch as per revised assembly hole drawing.

M8106-B002A  CODE:  DF  MAY-72 [FCO]
   Problem 1/Correction 1:  Original ECO (sic) has incorrect disposition code.
   Problem 2:  Power fail with yellow stack has marginal timing when 
   running in bipolar memory.
   Correction 2:  change timing to set UBCE CLR PF at leading rather
   than trailing edge of TS3.

M8106-C0003  CODE: F  CS:  D  AUG-72  [FCO]
   Problem 1:  TIME OUT needs to be lengthened on certain systems. 
   Correction 1:  Add chart for TIME OUT capacitors to print set.
   Problem 2:  Some options need to use BUS PARITY lines
   Correction 2:  Add jumper to disable parity check on UNIBUS
   NOTE:  See correction supplement FCO M8106-D0007 which cancels
   the creation of a new etch revision "D" as ordered by this FCO.

M8106-00004  CODE: D  CS:  E  DEC-72  [ECO]
   It is not necessary to use 74S74-45 IC's for E75
   Replace E75 with 74S74's

M8106-A0005  CODE: F  CS:  F  DEC-72  [FCO]
   Problem:  Present board not meeting cycle time specifications for
   Correction:  Add logic changes.
   NOTE:  This FCO must be installed in conjunction with FCO 
   NOTE:  This FCO is a prerequisite for the use of a new etch revision
   C M8104 which will be released.
   NOTE:  See correction supplement FCO's M8106-A005A and M8106-A005B
   NOTE:  Supplement FCO M8106-A005B cancels the relayout to new
   etch revision "E" which was ordered by this FCO.

M8106-A005A  CODE:  F  JAN-73  [FCO]
   Problem 1:  Rework procedure in M8106-A0005 is incorrect.
   Correction 1:  
      In step #2 changed E83-11 to E83-13
      In step #4 change R23 to R22
   Problem 2:  The assembly hole drawing does not specify which
      side of the board etch cut #13 is on
   Correction 2:  Side 2

M8106-A005B  CODE F  APR-73  [FCO]
   Correction:  Cancel relayout of etch board as ordered by FCO M8106-A0005

M8106-D0006  CODE F  CS:  H  FEB-73  [FCO]
   Correction:  Add print changes required to document FCO KB11A-E0013.
   Add prints UBCN and UBCP

M8106-D0007  CODE: F   CS:  J  [FCO]
   Problem:  Parity errors are time consuming to detect through vector 4
   Correction Allow processor to trap to 114 for parity errors.
   This FCO indicates that the etch revision D boards ordered by
   FCO M8106-C0003 will not be built.
   (See M8105-D0005 for more info)

M8106-D0008  CODE: F  CS:  K  MAR-73  [FCO]
   Problem:  UNIBUS parity errors cause machine to halt
   Correction:  Disable UBCB UNI PERF [ 1 ] L  from
     generating UBCB PARITY ERR SET L.
  (Also see M8105-D0005 for more info)

M8106-00009  CODE: D  MAR-73  [ECO]
   Problem:  Manufacturing costs are high to build board
   Correction 1:  Relayout board
   Correction 2:  Remove UBCB PARITY ERR INH L from E82 pin 12
   NOTE:  This ECO is cancelled by supplement ECO M8106-0009A
   NOTE:  CS Revision L and etch revision F created by this ECO are
   cancelled by supplement M8106-0009A

M8106-0009A  CODE: D  MAY-73  [ECO]
   Problem:  More changes are required to revision F etch board
   Correction:  Cancel ECO M8106-00009 and return drawings to
    previous revision levels

M8106-00010  CODE: D  MAY-73  [ECO]
   Problem:  The processor randomly halts when MOS parity memory
   has HALT ENABLE set
   Correction:  Strobe SMCB PE HALT L at the trailing edge of
   NOTE:  This ECO is cancelled by supplement ECO M8106-0010A
   NOTE:  CS Revision L which si created by this ECO is cancelled
   by M8106-0010A.

M8106-0010A  CODE: D  MAY73  [ECO]
   Cancel M8106-00010  More problems have occurred

M8106-C0011  CODE: F  CS: L  MAY-73  [FCO]
  Problem:  CONSOLE START function or RESET INSTRUCTION could cause
  machine to hang.
  Correction:  Asssert UBCE RIP OR FP SYNC L faster to ensure branch
  CUT:  Etch from E32 pin 3 to E32 pin 4 side 2 
        Etch from E32 pin 4 to PTH side 2
  Jumpers: Second PTH left of E32 pin 2 to PTH below E22 pin 2
        E32 pin 4 to E38 pin 4

M8106-C0012  CODE: F  CS:  M  JUN-73  [FCO]
   Problem:  MOS Parity memory is too tight.
   Correction:  Strobe parity errors sooner
   NOTE:  See M8106-C0012A
   Rework in parity systems with M7259 or etch revision C M8110s,
    rework all systems with parity and all PDP11-45s at next PM.

M8106-C0012A  CODE: F  JUN-73  [FCO]
   The rework procedure in M8106-C0012 in steps #25 and #26 
   incorrectly references an R22.  Should be R20.

M8106-00013  CODE: D  CS: N  ETCH F  AUG-73  [ECO]
   Problem:  Multiple parity errors from CONSOLE MODE can cause
   machine to HANG.
   Correction:  Relayout board to remove UBCB PARITY ERROR INH from
   E82 pin 12.
   NOTE:  No etch revisions C, D or E have been built.
M8106-C0014  CODE: F  MAR-74  [FCO]
   Problem:  Processor could possibly hang during a BR sequence
   with a CS revision M M8106 as a result of a missint +3V signal.
   Jumper direct set and D input of UBCA PASSIVE flipflop to UBCA +3V H.  
   Jumper E063 Pin 10 to E054 Pin 08

M8106-D0015  CODE:  F  CS:  P  JUN-74  [FCO]
  (Hard to read)
  Problem:  A power fail sequence does not work when in Console Lock
  mode because the CONSOLE START LATCH flipflop on the console may
  come up set.
  Correction:  Gate UBCR START 1 H to UBCE STATUS CLR L on the 
  M8106 board.  
    Both etch runs on side 2 at E31 pin 2
    PTH beside E31 pin 1 to PTH directly below E02 pin 3 (?)
    E31 pin 2 to E5 pin 5

M8106-S0016  CODE: F  CS: R  DEC-75  [FCO]
   Problem:  Excessive interrupt to vector skew can cause improperly
   clocked-in vectors (this results in vectoring to random locations)
   Correction:  Add 125 nsec delay to deskew Bus Interrupt.
   The rework is extensive and the followin components are added:  
      one each 13-00250 a 150 ohm resistor
      13-00271 a 220 ohme resistor
      10-05820 a 22 pfd capcitor
      16-11300, a 125 nsec delay line
   NOTE:  Rework only as necessary.

M8106-S0017  CODE: F  CS: S  MAR-77  [FCO]
   Problem:  A halted PDP-11/45 on (sic - s/b or) PDP-11/50 CPU can not be
   restarted by just assering Bus ACLO (for new Down Line Loading feature).
   Correction:  Add logic to restart halted CPU (halt switch up) when ACLO
   is asserted on the Unibus.
   QUICK CHECK:  Wires added from E24 pin 4, 5 and 6

M8106-00018  CODE: D  CS: T  SEP-79  [FCO]
   Problem:  Direct set signal to CPBSY flipflop is not of adequate duration
   to insure proper operation, causing unexpected reads of location zero.
   Correction:  inhibit assertion of signal BUSA MSYN if CPBSY resets during

M8107-B0001  CODE: DF  CS: A  May-72  [FCO]
   Problem:  Etched board has etch cuts and jumpers.

M8107-B001A  CODE: DF  JUN-72  [FCO]
   Problem:  FCO M8107-B0001 incorrect.  Must also retrofit each rev A board
   to make actual circuit identical to schematic.
   Correction:  TO A etch revision board ONLY
   Jumper: E71 pin 3 to E80 pin 1
   Connects SAPL +3VA to E71 pin 3

M8108-00001  CODE: D  CS: A  APR-72 [ECO]
   Problem 1:  Wrong Termination
   Correction 1:  Eliminate resistor R2, change R1 to 150 ohms
   Problem 2:  Race condiation at 1.2 usec ROM cycle
   Correction 2:  Synchronize inhibit signal with flipflop on SSRK.
   Problem 3:  No error flipfop not setting
   Correction 3:  Clock register SRO earlier
   Correction 4:  Drawings changed to correct print errors
   Problem 5: TIG Changes
   Correction 5:  Change prints
   Problem 6: Hole in Execute only space
   Correction 6: Change I space logic -SSRB

M8108-00002  CODE: D  CS: B  APR 72 [ECO]
   Problem:  An MTPI instruction when D space is enabled and current
   and previous modes are both user will not write into the D space
   if D space is write-enabled
   Correction:  Under the above circumstances, allow MTPI to try to
   write in I space.  This is OK since I space will normally be
   read only when set up as an EXECUTE ONLY situation hence the MTPI
   will be aborted.  Signal SSRJ C1 B L determines whether it is
   MTPI or MFPI.
   NOTE:  See correction supplement M8108-00003

M8108-00003  CODE: D  CS: C  APR-72  [ECO]
   Correction 1:  Corrects note on ECO M8108-00002
   Problem 2:  On a KT11-C abort, using console physical for an examine
   sometimes gave an address error on trying to examine KT11-C registers.
   Correction 2:  Clear inhibit signal with the fact that the access is
   a console physical operation.

M8108-B0004  CODE:  DF  CS: D  Etch: B  APR-72  [FCO]
   Problem: Etched board has etch cuts and jumpers from ECOs M8108-00001
   through M8108-00003.
   Correctino:  Corrrect etched board to reflect revision C Circuit Schematic.
   NOTE:  See correction supplement FCO M8108-A004A (sic)
   Rework all etch revision A M8108's.

M8108-B004A  CODE: DF   JUN-72
   Problem:  FCO M8018-B0004 incorrect.  Must also retrofit etch revision A
   boards to make actual circuit identical to schematic.
   Correction:  To A etch revision boards only:
   Jumper:  E85 pin 4 to PTH below pin 1 on E107
   Connects signal SSRL INT CLRA L to E85 pin 4.  Also update CS revision D.
   NOTE:  Attempt to access any supervisor page address register with the
   KT11-C enabled may cause the processor to hang.

M8108-00006  CODE: P  CS: E  MAR-73
   ECO M8108-00005 was cancelled by supplement ECO M8108-0005A
   Problem:  Circuit Schematic drawing showing etch revisiion B still says
   "Etch Revision A".
   Correction:  Change each letter on Circuit Schematic drawing to B.
   Update module history and assembly hole drawing.

M8108-B0007  CODE: F  CS: F  MAY-73
   Problem: Fails to abort when illegal address is internal register.
   SSRK inhibit 1 L fails to block TIGD T5BH on SSRL D-S.
   Correction:  On SSRK replace signal SSRK TS4 H with
   TIGC T4BH at E79 pin 13.
   NOTE:  The KB11-A must be at WL revision N or later.  Reference
   FCO KB11A-B0017
   All etch revision A and revision B M8108's must be reworked.
   KB11-A must also be reworked.

M8109-00001  CODE: D  CS: C  [ECO]  APR-72
   Problem: Synchronizer for T1 will not work when T1 SYNC flipflop
   is used for logic gating.
   Correction:  Remove all logic gating responsiblities except for T1 and
   T1A (?) from T1 SYNC .  Clear T1 SYNC and T5 flipflop with 
   T1 [ 1 ] L.

M8109-00002  CODE: D  CS: D  [ECO]  MAY-72
   Correction:  Changes the 22 Uf capacitor to fit flush on the board
   where components are mounted close together.

M8109-A0003  CODE: DF  CS: D  [FCO]  JUN-72
   Problem:  Part change.  11/45 timing generator M8109 adjustment
   at 150 nsec range difficult with present value of R162 in RC
   oscillator circuit.
   Correction:  Change value of R162 to 1K 1/4W 10% to facilitate adjustment.

M8109-A0004  CODE: DF  CS: F  JUN-72  [FCO]
   Problem:  11/45 processor skips ROM cycles
   Correction:  Modify STOP T3 (?) logic for ROM and UPB conditions by
   disabling STOP T3 (?) with CONTINUE [ 1 ] clearing associated
   syncrhonizing flipflp with T5 (?) [ 1 ] L
   (ed.  Had to tell 3's from 5's)

M8109-00005  CODE: D  CS: H  Etch: D  JUN-72  [ECO]
   Problem:  General clean up of M8109 timing generator.
   Correction:  Partial relayout of M8109 to minimize the use of jumper
   wiring and to update logic.

M8109-A0006  CODE:  DF  CS:  J  JUN-72  [FCO]
   Problem:  Fast memory is modified or machine traps out when
   KT11 option segmentation is installed.  This is caused by SSR DLY
   flipflop oscillating when SSRB ENABLE T3 DLY timing violates set up
   or hold times.
   Correction:  Move SSRB ENABLE T3 DLY directly to TIGA STOP T3 L
   multiplexor and modify SSR DLY flipflop to control only the 
   delay time.
   MAINDEC T15 diag. GTP also changed.

M8109-00007  CODE: D  JUN-72 [ECO]  JUN-72
   Problem:  Tuning slug protrudes from inductor housing at final position
   Correction:  To improve tuning slug adjustment and final positioning
   change the value of C154 from 100 pf to 82 pf

M8109-0007A  CODE: D  [ECO]  JUL-72
   Problem:  Part change called for in ECO M8109-00007 does not work.
   Correction:  Rescind ECO M8109-00007 and reactivate documents at
   revision level J.

M8109-B0008  CODE: F  CS: K  Etch E  [FCO]  SEP-72
   Problem:  The T3 flipflop forced to synchronize because of UBSD 00 (?)
   and UBSD 01 (?) logic delays
   Correction:  Bring ROM 40 BL signal from RACB to TIGA C15M1. add inverter
   on TIGA  make necessary etch cuts and jumpers.
   (ed.  This has KB11A-B0009 as a pre-req.)

M8109-00009  CODE: D  CS:  L  [ECO]  OCT-72
   Problem:  Documentation correction.  Bypass cpacitor C80 (?) is not shown
   connected to ground on etch.  
   Correction:  Update prints and add jumper from C80 top to ground above Q10.
   (ed.  This could aos be C60 - hard to read)

M8109-00010  CODE: D  CS: M  DEC-72  [ECO]
   Problem:  It is not necessary to ahve 74S76-45 DEC ICs for E8 and E34.
   Correction:  Change part numbers for E8 and E34 from 74S76-45 DEC
   #19-10950 to 74S74 DEC #19-10544.

M8109-00011  CODE: D  CS: N  ETCH: F  [ECO]  JAN-73
   Correction:  Orders partial relayout to eliminate jumper wiring and to update
   the logic.

M8109-00012  CODE: D  CS: M1  [ECO]  FEB-73
   Problem:  The 74S74-45 E15 may not operate well as a synchronizer in this
   Correction:  Change E15 from 74S75-45 DEC #19-10950 to 74S74-50 DEC

M8109-C0013  CODE: F  CS: M2  DEC-73  [FCO]
   Problem:  High speed synchronizer chip 74S74-50 #19-11326 is not available
   in sufficient quantities to satisfy production.
   Correction:  Change logic from single to dual synchronization configuration.
   Check to see if E08 is 74S74-45 #19-10950.  The "45" is usually stamped in
   yellow.  If it is, proceed with etch cutting and jumpering.  If it is not,
   remove E08 74S74 #19-10544 replace E08 with 74S74-45 #19-10950.
   If the M8109 has a jumper from E07 pin 10 to E08 pin 4 be sure to put it in 
   place when replacing E08.  Do all etch cutting and jumperi9ng which follows
   before soldering E08 in place.
   Cut:  Etch from side 1 at PTH above E13 pin 8
         Etch fomr side 2 at pin 9 of E21
   Jumper:  From top of R151 to E8 pin 12
            E8 pin 11 to E8 pin 3
            E8 pin 13 to E8 pin 1
            E8 pin 9 to E13 pin 6
            E8 pin 10 to E15 pin 1
   (ed.  the print is really small and numbers hard to read)

   NOTE:  If the system has bipolar memory, the M8110 must be replaced by an
   All etch revision C boards inproduction not having E15 as a 74S74-50
   DEC #19-11326 must be reworked immediately.

M8109-00014  CODE: D  CS: P  FEB-74  [ECO]
   Problem:  Etch Error.  The signal TIGB SSR MAT H is grounded.
   Correction:  Cut etch and add jumper to bypass ground.
   Cut:  Etch from E3 pin 6 on side 2
         Etch from PTH above pin EL2 on side 2
   Jumper:  PTH on pil EL1 to E3 pin 6

M8019-C0015  CODE: F  CS: R  CS: M3  APR-74 [FCO]
   Problem:  CPU fails to halt on selected ROM state when 
   Micro Program break mode is set on maintenance card.  The problem
   is detected when running a test sequence not containing a pause
   150 nsec cycle time.
   Correction:  Delete U/L: CTRL latch flipflop and add latch at input
   gating.  Test by running a branch dot with ROM match at 343.
      Side 2 at E12 pin 9
      Side 2 E32 pin 9 to E31 pin 13
      Side 2 E32 pin 9 to E32 pin 10
      Side 2 at E42 pin 13
      Remove jumper E22 pin 14 to E35 pin 7
      E12 pin 9 to E22 pin 11
      E42 pin 13 to E35 pin 7
      E42 pin 8 to E32 pin 9
      E32 pin 10 to E31 pin 13

      Side 2 from E12 poin 9
      Side 2 E40 pin 9 to E40 pin 10
      From PTH on right side of pin 7 of E40 side 1
      Side 2 from E26 pin 13 two runs.
      Side 2 from E25 pin 7
      *** Side 1 E13 pin 9
      E12 pin 9 to E22 pin 11
      E26 pin 13 to E25 pin 7
      E26 pin 8 to E40 pin 9
      E26 pin 10 to PTH at left of E30 pin 8
      E40 pin 10 to E36 pin 3
      *** E26 pin 13 to E13 pion 9

   NOTE:  Tech revision F boards are reworked from CS revision P
   to R.  Etch revision C board are reworked from CS reivions M2 
   to M3.
M8109-C015A  CODE: F  APR-74 [FCO]
   Problem:  ECO (sic) M8109-C0015 rework procedure for revision F
   is not complete.  Timing stops in T5, will not run any diagnostics.
   Correction:  Add to rework procedure.  (ed.  I have noted the changes 
   with *** on M8109-C0015, above.)

M8109-D0016 CODE: F  CS: S  MAY-74  [FCO]
   Problem:  There is a shortage of 74S74-45 ICs #19-10950.
   Correction:  Allow the replacement of 74S74-45 with 74S74
   #19-10544.  The rework procedure for field use is as follows:

      If E6 (?) E34 or E42 must be replaced, use part #19-10544.  If
      E8 or E15 must be replaced, proceed as follows:
      Etch revision C never had jumpers W5 and W6 which changes a single
      to a double suyncrhonizer, as indicated on certain CS revisions.
      For a double-synchronizer, FCO M8109-C0013 must be installed.  If
      it is not already installed, thenproceed to isntall it.  
      While adding FCO M8100-C0013 replace E8, or E15 with #19-10544 
      instead of #19-10950. 

      Replace E6, E26 or E27 with part #19-10544 as is necessary due to
      failure.  Insure that jumper W5 is inserted and W6 is removed.

   NOTE:  The 74S74-45 and 74S74-50 ICs are no longer avilable and 74S74
   must be used.  In order for the circuit to continue to work, the
   single rank synchronization must be converted to double rank.
   In the event of failure of a 74S74-45 IC rework etch revision C boards
   to CS revision M4 and etch revisiion F boards to CS revision S.

M8109-S0017  CODE: F  CS:  M5 and T  [FCO]  NOV-75
   Problem: Spurious T1 through T5 clock pulses occur while margining +5V
   and/or -15V for the M8109 module, which can cause CPU, FP11 and/or
   KT11-C problems.
   Correction:  Modify the M8109 timing generator to increase +5V and/or
   -15V margins.  Resistors R1 thru R5 are changed from 4.7K to 3K ohms
   #13-00432.  Diodes D51 and D52 are deleted and D51 is replaced by a 
   33 (could be .33?) ohm 1/4W 5% resistor, 13-00197   

   When symptoms are present rework etch revision C M8109s from CS revision
   M4 to M5.  Rework Etch Revision F from CS revision S to T.

   Quick check:  D51, D52 deleted; 33 ohm resistor has replaced D51.

M8110:  There are numerous ECOs/FCOs culminating in replacement by M8120.
   Contact and I could lend out a DEC-O-LOG