Future Work and Items Needed
Items Needed
Other PDP-1 software
Interdata 16b software
PDP-7 operating systems: UNIX V1-V4
PDP-15 operating systems: MUMPS-15
GRI-909 documentation and software
How You Can Help
The Computer History Simulation Project is a volunteer effort by enthusiasts
world-wide. If you are interested in preserving computing's history, you
can help with the project by extending the existing simulators or writing
new ones. Additional work needed includes:
Recovering additional software; see the Items Needed list above.
Debugging simulators. There are always additional software sets to try or
debug... OS2/MT on Interdata, for example.
Writing additional simulators. Is your favorite system languishing in the
dustbin of computer history? Bring it back to life by writing a simulator
for it.
Updated 03-May-2012 by Bob Supnik (simh AT trailing-edge DOT com
- anti-spam encoded)