PDP-11 Simulator Configuration

The PDP-11 was the most popular 16-bit minicomputer. Introduced by DEC in 1970, it remained in active production until 1996. The PDP-11 family included many processor designs (photographs courtesy of Digital Equipment Corporation):

Option Description Capacity
CPU and memory 19 models supported (Unibus and Qbus) 16KB - 4MB
CPU options Memory management unit (MMU)
Floating instruction set (FIS)
Floating point processor (FPP)
Commercial instruction set (CIS)
KE11-A extended arithmetic element (EAE, 11/20 only)
KG11-A communications arithmetic option
Console DL11 full duplex asynchronous interface
Paper tape PC11 paper tape reader and punch
Real time clock KW11L real-time clock
KW11P programmable real-time clock
Card reader CR11/CD11 card reader
Line printer LP11 line printer
Asynchronous interfaces DC11 asynchronous interface 1-16 lines
KL11/DL11 asynchronous interface 1-16 lines
Terminal multiplexor DZ11 multiplexor 8-32 lines
DHQ11 multiplexor 8-32 lines
Floppy Disk RX11/RX01 single density floppy disk 256KB
RX211/RX02 double density floppy disk 512KB
Fixed head disk RC11 fixed head disk 64-256KW
RF11 fixed head disk 256-2048KW
Moving head disk RK11/RK05 cartridge disk 2.5MB
RLV12/RL01-RL02 cartridge disk 5-10MB
RK611/RK06-RK07 cartridge disk 13-26MB
RH11-RH70/RM03, RM05 disk packs 67-256MB
RH11-RH70/RM80 non-removable disk 124MB
RH11-RH70/RP04 (RP05), RP06 disk packs 87-174MB
RH11-RH70/RP07 non-removable disk 516MB
RQDX3/RX50,RX33 floppy disks .4-1.2MB
RQDX3/RD51,RD52,RD53,RD54,RD31 disks 10.8-155.6MB
RQDX3/RA60,RA71,RA72,RA73,RA81,RA82,RA90,RA92 disks 200-1960MB
DECtape TC11/TU56 DECtape 296KB
Cassette tape TA11/TU60 cassette tape 93KB
Magnetic tape TM11/TE10 800bpi 9 track magnetic tape
TS11/TSV05 1600bpi 9 track magnetic tape
RH11-RH70/TM03/TE16,TU45,TU77 1600bpi 9 track magnetic tape
TQK50/TK50 TMSCP magnetic tape
Network DELQA/DEQNA Qbus Ethernet controller
DEUNA/DELUA Unibus Ethernet controller

Updated 15-Jun-2008 by Bob Supnik (simh AT trailing-edge DOT com - anti-spam encoded)