
Introduction to curl

Download location (HTTP):
Download location (FTP):
Version used:                   7.10.4
Package size:                   860 KB
Estimated Disk space required:  7.2 MB
Estimated build time:           0.65 SBU

The curl package contains curl and its support library. This is useful for transferring files with URL syntax. For example, curl > curl-7.10.4.tar.gz would download this program's tarball to the current directory. This ability to both download and redirect files can be incorporated into other programs to support functions like streaming media.

curl will utilize:
openssl-0.9.7a and openldap-2.1.17

Installation of curl

Install curl by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr &&
make &&
make install 


The curl package contains curl, curl-config and the libcurl libraries.



curl is a client that can get documents from or send documents to any of the following protocols: HTTP, HTTPS (needs openssl), FTP, GOPHER, DICT, TELNET, LDAP (needs openldap) or FILE.


curl-config prints information about the last compile, like libraries linked to and prefix setting.

curl library

libcurl provides the functionality of curl to other programs.