
Introduction to Daemontools-man

Download location (HTTP):       http://smarden.org/pape/djb/manpages/daemontools-0.76-man.tar.gz
Download location (FTP):        
Version used:                   0.76
Package size:                   8 KB
Estimated Disk space required:  76 KB

The Daemontools package does not come with man pages, so install this package if you want online help with the daemontools programs.

Installation of daemontools

Install daemontools by running the following commands:

cd daemontools-man && 
gzip -9 *.8 &&
package/compile &&
cp *.8.gz /usr/share/man/man8/

Command explanations

gzip -9 *.8 : You can compress the man pages to save space, but it isn't needed for the man pages to work.


The daemontools-man package contains man pages for the daemontools commands envdir, envuidgid, fghack, multilog, pgrphack, readproctitle, setlock, setuidgid, softlimit, supervise, svc, svok, svscan, svscanboot, svstat, tai64n and tai64nlocal.