
Download location (FTP):
Version used:               1.1
Package size:               947 KB
Estimated build disk space: 35 MB
Estimated installed space:  5.7 MB
Estimated build time:       11 min (667 MHz)

The Analog Real-time Synthesizer (aRts) provides sound support for KDE. It provides necessary libraries for kdelibs. The following package is required to install aRts:

It will use the following recommended packages, if installed:
alsa-0.9.2, audiofile-0.2.3, and libvorbis-1.0

Before starting the build, ensure you have the QTDIR environment variable set
export QTDIR=/opt/qt

./configure --prefix=/opt/kde-3.1 --disable-debug \
     --disable-dependency-tracking &&
make &&
make install &&
ln -sfn /opt/kde-3.1 /opt/kde

Note: Another configure option is --enable-final. This option can speed up the build process, but requires a lot of memory. If you have less than 256MB of RAM, this option may cause swapping and significantly slow compilation.

aRts Installation Command explanations

--prefix=/opt/kde-3.1 : This option tells the process to install the package in /opt/kde-3.1. We put aRts here because this package is required before installing KDE.

--disable-debug : This option causes the system to be compiled without debugging code.

--disable-dependency-tracking : This option speeds up one time builds.

ln -sfn /opt/kde-3.1 /opt/kde : This command creates a link for access to KDE. If a newer version of KDE is released, the new system can be built by changing the --prefix location and then set up by changing the link as this command does.

Configuring aRts

The library directory /opt/kde/lib should appear in /etc/ so that ldd can find the shared libraries. The following command will add it if it is missing:
cat >> /etc/ << "EOF"
# Begin kde addition to /etc/


# End kde addition