
Introduction to Pango

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Version used:                   1.2.1
Package size:                   776 KB
Estimated Disk space required:  10.1 MB
Estimated build time:           0.97 SBU

The Pango package contains the pango library. This is useful for the layout and rendering of text.

Pango depends on:
GLib-2.2.1 and freetype-2.1.3 
Pango will utilize:
qt-3.1.2, xfree86-4.3.0, gtk-doc-1.0 and xml-dtd-4.2

Installation of Pango

In order for pango to find xft2, the PKG_CONFIG_PATH must include /usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig. This is a good place to add it if you haven't already. Specific instructions for modifying this variable can be found in the pre-installation instructions for gnome.

Install Pango by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc &&
make &&
make install

Command explanations

--sysconfdir=/etc : This switch installs the configuration files into /etc instead of /usr/etc.

--enable-gtk-doc : This switch will rebuild the API documentation during the make command.


The pango package contains libpango libraries.


Pango libraries

Pango libraries contains low level layout rendering routines, a high level driver for laying out entire blocks of text, and routines to assist in editing internationalized text.