asymptote-1.29.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
bison-2.3.spkg | SPKG.txt: MAINTAINER:
* William Stein
This package exists mainly because it's very easy to build, and it removes
a SAGE dependency. It could be removed if bison were put back as a SAGE
dependency. Building it causes nobody any trouble.
cadabra-0.115.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
clapack-3.6.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
clisp-2.43.spkg | SPKG.txt: SOME NOTES:
* Made some changes to src/ so it would build on
IA-64 linux without crashing.
0. The clisp path is hardcoded into the binary. Strangely, this *does*
not affect maxima, though it means maxima won't build unless clisp was
built in place. So one can't upgrade maxima without rebuilding clisp.
Hence whenever the maxima package is upgraded make sure to always upgrade
Also there is an OPTIon to run clisp that avoids this hardcoding issue,
which we use.
1. I replaced some documentation files by empty ones to save space:
cd doc
echo "" > impnotes.html
echo "" > mop-spec.pdf
echo "" > mop.xml
echo "" > impbody.xml
echo "" > impext.xml
echo "" > clhs-ent.xml
echo "" > impbyte.xml
echo "" > impent.xml
Go to
for complete documentation.
Same remarks for src/ChangeLog:
cd src
echo "">ChangeLog
2. I removed the ffcall directory which is quite large and only needed
for the foreign function interface, which we don't need for SAGE/Maxima.
3. I removed the tests directory.
4. In order to build Clisp on Cygwin, I had to do the following:
1. add --ignore-absence-of-libsigsegv to the ./configure options of spkg-install for clisp
2. go into src/unix.d and make the following modification near the end of the file: (this was only for version 2.40 -- not needed for 2.41)
/* Interpretation of FILETIME structure: */
#ifdef UNIX_CYGWIN32
#include <windows.h>
extern long time_t_from_filetime (const FILETIME * ptr);
extern void time_t_to_filetime (time_t time_in, FILETIME * out);
/* FIX BY GEZ */
#if defined(UNIX_CYGWIN32)
#ifdef WIN32
#undef WIN32
/* /FIX BY GEZ */
windows.h defines WIN32 and that causes several items to be used in both UNIX and WIN32 forms later on.
NOTE. I had included libsigsegv, but couldn't get it to build on OS X
(the included config file seems way out of date...).
cmake-2.4.8.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
dvipng-1.8.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
ets-3.1.1.rev23241.spkg | SPKG.txt: The Enthought Tool Suite
fes-0.1.spkg | SPKG.txt: This external library implements an efficient implement of exhaustive
search to solve systems of low-degree boolean equations. Exhaustive
search is asymptotically faster than computing a Groebner basis,
except in special cases. This particular implementation is
particularly efficient (in the good cases it tests 3 candidate
solutions per CPU cycle on each core).
flex-2.5.33.spkg | SPKG.txt: MAINTAINERS:
-- Josh Kantor
-- William Stein
This package is just to eliminate flex as a dependency, which is reasonable
since it is trivial to build.
gnofract4d-3.6.spkg | SPKG.txt: Upstream source -- See
-- William Stein (2007-12) -- made first version of SPKG inspired by comments of Timothy Clemens.
gnuplot-4.0.0.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
graphviz-2.36.0.spkg | SPKG.txt: Caution: this code is GPL incompatible, so it cannot become a standard spkg.
libcprops-0.1.6.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
libjpeg-6b.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
libsigsegv-2.2.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
macaulay2-1.1-r7221.p0.spkg | SPKG.txt: Macaulay 2 is a software system devoted to supporting research in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra.
mayavi-2.2.1.spkg | SPKG.txt: MayaVi2 is a general purpose, cross-platform tool for 2-D and 3-D scientific data visualization.
meataxe-2.4.3.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
modglue-1.8.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
mpich2-1.0.5.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
numarray-1.5.2.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
numeric-24.2.spkg | SPKG.txt: Numeric -- Python numerical linear algebra library
See <a href |
openopt-0.29.spkg | SPKG.txt: OpenOpt Suite 0.29, a free Python-written numerical optimization framework
with some own solvers and connections to tens of 3rd party ones.
pcre-6.5.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
phcpack-2.3.21.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
polymake-2.2.p5.spkg | SPKG.txt: polymake started out as a tool for the algorithmic treatment of convex polyhedra. By now it also deals with finite simplicial complexes, tight spans of finite metric spaces, polyhedral surfaces, and other objects.
processing-0.52.spkg | SPKG.txt: A parallel processing library for Python that "just works". This is a standards-track
pygame-1.7.1release.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
pygsl-0.3.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
pygtk-2.8.4.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
pynifti-p0.spkg | SPKG.txt: The PyNIfTI module is a Python interface to the NIfTI I/O libraries. Using PyNIfTI, one can easily read and write NIfTI and ANALYZE images from within Python. The NiftiImage class provides pythonic access to the full header information and for a maximum of interoperability the image data is made available via NumPy arrays.
PyMVPA is a Python module intended to ease pattern classification analyses of large datasets. In the neuroimaging contexts such analysis techniques are also known as decoding or MVPA analysis. PyMVPA provides high-level abstraction of typical processing steps and a number of implementations of some popular algorithms. While it is not limited to the neuroimaging domain, it is eminently suited for such datasets. PyMVPA is truly free software (in every respect) and additionally requires nothing but free-software to run.
pyqt-3.15.1.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
PyQt4-4.6.2.spkg | SPKG.txt: PyQt is a set of Python bindings for Nokia's Qt application framework and runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Windows, MacOS/X and Linux. This package provides the X11 bindings.
pyrexembed-0.1.1-20060517.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
PyVTK-0.4.74.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
qasm-1.4.spkg | SPKG.txt: The src/ directory contains a clean but VERY proper subset of upstream from
qepcad-1.50.spkg | SPKG.txt: QEPCADB eliminates quantifiers and simplifies expressions using
cylindrical algebraic decomposition. SACLIB is a C library for
polynomial manipulation on which QEPCADB depends.
QScintilla2-2.4.spkg | SPKG.txt: QScintilla is a port to Qt of Neil Hodgson's Scintilla C++ editor control. As well as features found in standard text editing components, QScintilla includes features especially useful when editing and debugging source code. These include support for syntax styling, error indicators, code completion and call tips. The selection margin can contain markers like those used in debuggers to indicate breakpoints and the current line. Styling choices are more open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts, bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colours and multiple fonts.
quantlib-0.9.6.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
quantlib_swig-0.9.6.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
reallib3_linux-20060728.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
sandpile-1.51.spkg | SPKG.txt: * first package attempt by Marshall Hampton
scitools++.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
semigroupe-2.0-2.spkg | SPKG.txt: Semigroupe 2.01 : a program for computing finite semigroups
simpqs-20061128b.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
sip-4.9.3.spkg | SPKG.txt: SIP is a tool that makes it very easy to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries. It was originally developed to create PyQt, the Python bindings for the Qt toolkit, but can be used to create bindings for any C or C++ library.
soya-0.11.2.p0.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
soya_cvs-2006.05.09.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
superlu-3.0.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
surf-1.1.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
vtk_meta-1.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
wxPython- | SPKG.txt: |
yafray-0.0.9.spkg | SPKG.txt: |
yassl-1.4.0.spkg | SPKG.txt: |