dvisvgm: dvisvgm (converts DVI and EPS files to SVG -Scalable Vector Graphics)
dvisvgm: dvisvgm a tool for TeX/LaTeX users to converts DVI and
dvisvgm: EPS files to the XML-based scalable vector graphics format SVG 
dvisvgm: version 1.1.
dvisvgm: It currently supports standard DVI files (format 2) as well as 
dvisvgm: DVI output created by pTeX in vertical mode (format 3), and
dvisvgm: XeTeX (format 5 and 6, also known as XDV). 
dvisvgm: Option --eps allows to convert EPS files to SVG.
dvisvgm: http://dvisvgm.bplaced.net