Game Data README for nblood

nblood actually includes 3 game binaries: nblood itself, rednukem,
and pcexhumed.


The nblood binary plays only Blood version 1.21, and its add-on, Cryptic
Passage. You'll need the "One Unit Whole Blood" CD-ROM: this is the only
version of the game supported by nblood.

If you want to include the game data in the nblood package:

- First, install system/isextract. This is needed to extract the data.

- Mount the CD-ROM (anywhere) before running the SlackBuild and the
  build script will find the data there.

- If you have an ISO image instead of a disc, just copy or symlink the .iso
  file into the SlackBuild directory (no need to mount anything).

If you have an installed copy of the game rather than a CD or ISO,
you should be able to just copy it to /usr/share/games/nblood. Filename
upper/lower case doesn't matter.

If you're working from the original CD, you can also rip the audio
tracks and convert them to ogg or flac. Follow the instructions in
/usr/doc/nblood-$VERSION/ to hear them in the game.


The rednukem binary plays Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition v1.5 and
possibly (untested) the Plutonium Pak. It does *not* play the
shareware Duke Nukem 3D.

For Atomic Edition, all you need is the DUKE3D.GRP file from the install
CD (mine's in atominst/ on the CD) or an installed copy of the game. It's
44356548 bytes long and has an md5sum of 22b6938fe767e5cc57d1fe13080cd522.
Copy this file to /usr/share/games/eduke32/ (no, that's not a typo,
rednukem uses eduke32's data directory). The filename actually doesn't
matter, rednukem uses the checksum to detect it.

rednukem may also be able to play the Duke Nukem 3D addons such as
"Duke it out in D.C.", "Life's a Beach", or "Nuclear Winter". Also
possibly other games such as "Nam", "Napalm", "WWII GI", "Platoon
Leader", "Redneck Rampage", and "Redneck Rampage Rides Again". None of
these have been tested by the SlackBuild author.


The pcexhumed binary plays:

- Powerslave demo version. Install the powerslave_demo_data build to
  play this.

- The PC version of Exhumed. All I have is the demo version, and it fails
  to play for me so I didn't make a package for it.

- Supposedly the full versions of Powerslave and Exhumed are supported,
  if you can find copies to try. Untested.