- class pyspark.mllib.clustering.LDAModel(java_model)[source]#
A clustering model derived from the LDA method.
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a topic model designed for text documents. Terminology
“word” = “term”: an element of the vocabulary
“token”: instance of a term appearing in a document
“topic”: multinomial distribution over words representing some concept
New in version 1.5.0.
See the original LDA paper (journal version) [1]
- 1
Blei, D. et al. “Latent Dirichlet Allocation.” J. Mach. Learn. Res. 3 (2003): 993-1022. https://web.archive.org/web/20220128160306/https://www.jmlr.org/papers/v3/blei03a
>>> from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors >>> from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal, assert_equal >>> data = [ ... [1, Vectors.dense([0.0, 1.0])], ... [2, SparseVector(2, {0: 1.0})], ... ] >>> rdd = sc.parallelize(data) >>> model = LDA.train(rdd, k=2, seed=1) >>> model.vocabSize() 2 >>> model.describeTopics() [([1, 0], [0.5..., 0.49...]), ([0, 1], [0.5..., 0.49...])] >>> model.describeTopics(1) [([1], [0.5...]), ([0], [0.5...])]
>>> topics = model.topicsMatrix() >>> topics_expect = array([[0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5]]) >>> assert_almost_equal(topics, topics_expect, 1)
>>> import os, tempfile >>> from shutil import rmtree >>> path = tempfile.mkdtemp() >>> model.save(sc, path) >>> sameModel = LDAModel.load(sc, path) >>> assert_equal(sameModel.topicsMatrix(), model.topicsMatrix()) >>> sameModel.vocabSize() == model.vocabSize() True >>> try: ... rmtree(path) ... except OSError: ... pass
(name, *a)Call method of java_model
([maxTermsPerTopic])Return the topics described by weighted terms.
(sc, path)Load the LDAModel from disk.
(sc, path)Save this model to the given path.
Inferred topics, where each topic is represented by a distribution over terms.
Vocabulary size (number of terms or terms in the vocabulary)
Methods Documentation
- call(name, *a)#
Call method of java_model
- describeTopics(maxTermsPerTopic=None)[source]#
Return the topics described by weighted terms.
New in version 1.6.0.
If vocabSize and k are large, this can return a large object!
- Parameters
- maxTermsPerTopicint, optional
Maximum number of terms to collect for each topic. (default: vocabulary size)
- Returns
- list
Array over topics. Each topic is represented as a pair of matching arrays: (term indices, term weights in topic). Each topic’s terms are sorted in order of decreasing weight.
- classmethod load(sc, path)[source]#
Load the LDAModel from disk.
New in version 1.5.0.
- Parameters
- sc
- pathstr
Path to where the model is stored.
- sc
- save(sc, path)#
Save this model to the given path.
New in version 1.3.0.