readme.txt      8834 17-11-95  Readme for this CDROM 
docs/                          Documentation about the CDROM utilities
articles/                      FAQ, concurency, invitation, semantics in ASCII
                               | or postscript
compiler/                      Eiffel compilers to be installed: ISE, Eon, SIG,
                               | Tower
contrib/                       Free and Shareware contributions to Eiffel,
                               | texts or binaries
dos_util/                      Utilities to exploit the content of this CD
maillist/                      Eiffel Patterns, Eiffel News
news/                          archives of comp.lang.eiffel until sep-1995
nice/                          archives from NICE with ELS95 specification and
                               | ETR
related/                       heron, sather
utility/                       djgcc, ghostscript, editors for dos, windows,
                               | nextstep