Network Monitoring

        The network monitoring directory contains software which allows a
        system administrator to monitor a network for the purposes of security,
        billing, and analysis (both live and offline).

          o antisniff
            The Anti-Sniffer runs on a local ethernet segment and reports
            whether machines are in promiscuous mode or not. It does this
            through a variety of tests designed to tickle certain drivers,
            operating systems, and hardware filtering.

          o antiroute
            Antiroute listens on ports used in UDP-based route tracking and
            determines the IP address, source port and distance (in hops) of
            the host from which the trace is being performed.

          o argus
            Argus is a fixed-model Real Time Flow Monitor designed to track and
            report on the status and performance of all network transactions
            seen in a data network traffic stream. Argus provides a common data
            format for reporting flow metrics such as connectivity, capacity,
            demand, loss, delay, and jitter on a per transaction basis.

          o arpwatch
            arpwatch and arpsnmp are tools that monitor ethernet or fddi
            activity and maintain a database of ethernet/ip address pairings.
            They also reports certain changes via email.

          o bandmin
            Bandmin is a tool that can monitor bandwidth usage of virtual
            interfaces on systems using ipfwadm, ipchains, ipf, or ipfw. It
            periodically checks interface counters, logs the results, and
            generates HTML output for viewing.

          o darkstat
            darkstat is a network traffic analyzer. It's basically a packet
            sniffer which runs as a background process on a cable/DSL router
            and gathers all sorts of useless but interesting statistics.

          o etherape
            EtherApe is a graphical network monitor for Unix modeled after
            etherman. Featuring link layer, ip and TCP modes, it displays
            network activity graphically. Hosts and links change in size with
            traffic. Color coded protocols display. It supports Ethernet, FDDI,
            Token Ring, ISDN, PPP and SLIP devices.

          o flow-tools
            flow-tools is a collection of tools that capture, process and
            manage NetFlow exports from Cisco routers.

          o icmpinfo
            icmpinfo is a small tool that monitors and decode ICMP messages. It
            can aid in debugging some network problems.

          o IPA
            IPA is a flexible general purpose accounting system. It supports
            static and dynamic rules, limits, sublimits and thresholds. It
            works with external accounting, database and statistics modules.

          o ipac-ng
            ipac is a package which is designed to gather, summarize and nicely
            output the IP accounting data. ipac make summaries and graphs as
            ascii text and/or images with graphs.

          o ipacct
            ipacct is a small Perl script which uses Darren Reed's IP Filter to
            count traffic on a network and report it into an HTML file suitable
            for your billing department.

          o ipaudit
            IPAUDIT listens to a network device in promiscuis mode, and records
            of every 'connection', each conversation between two ip addresses.
            A unique connection is determined by the ip addresses of the two
            machines, the protocol used between them and the port numbers (if
            they are communicating via udp or tcp).

          o ipfm
            IP Flow Meter is a bandwidth analysis tool, that measures how much
            bandwidth specified hosts use on their Internet link.

          o iplog
            iplog is a TCP/IP traffic logger. Currently, it is capable of
            logging TCP, UDP and ICMP traffic. iplog's capabilities include the
            ability to detect TCP port scans, TCP null scans, FIN scans, UDP
            and ICMP "smurf" attacks, bogus TCP flags (used by scanners to
            detect the operating system in use), TCP SYN scans, TCP "Xmas"
            scans, ICMP ping floods, UDP scans, and IP fragment attacks.

          o ippl
            ippl is a daemon which logs IP packets sent to a computer. It runs
            in the background, and displays information about the incoming
            packets. Criteria can be used to specify what packets should be
            logged and what packets should be ignored.

          o iptraf
            IPTraf is a console-based network monitoring program for Linux that
            displays information about IP traffic. This program can be used to
            determine the type of traffic on your network, and what kind of
            service is the most heavily used on what machines, among others.

          o karpski
            K.ARP.SKI (karpski) is an ethernet protocol analyzer / sniffer. Its
            abilities as a sniffer or scanner are limited, but this sniffer is
            much easier to use than other popular sniffers such as tcpdump. In
            addition, there is a protocol definition file in which other
            protocols can be added. Karpski may also be used to launch programs
            against addresses on your local network and as a local network
            intrusion tool.

          o mrtg
            The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) is a tool to monitor the
            traffic load on network links. MRTG generates HTML pages containing
            GIF images which provide a LIVE visual representation of this

          o Nagios
            Nagios(R) is a host and service monitor designed to inform you of
            network problems before your clients, end-users or managers do. It
            has been designed to run under the Linux operating system, but
            works fine under most *NIX variants as well. The monitoring daemon
            runs intermittent checks on hosts and services you specify using
            external "plugins" which return status information to Nagios. When
            problems are encountered, the daemon can send notifications out to
            administrative contacts in a variety of different ways (email,
            instant message, SMS, etc.). Current status information, historical
            logs, and reports can all be accessed via a web browser.

          o NeTraMet
            NeTraMet is an implementation of the Internet Accounting
            Architecture (RFC 2063 and RFC 2064).

          o NetSaint
            NetSaint is a host/service/network monitoring program. CGI programs
            are included to allow you to view the current status, history, etc
            via a web interface if you so desire.

          o netwatch
            Netwatch allows a user (superuser) to monitor an Ethernet and
            examine activity on the network.

          o nistnet
            The NIST Net network emulator is a general-purpose tool for
            emulating performance dynamics in IP networks. The tool is designed
            to allow controlled, reproducible experiments with network
            performance sensitive/adaptive applications and control protocols
            in a simple laboratory setting. By operating at the IP level, NIST
            Net can emulate the critical end-to-end performance characteristics
            imposed by various wide area network situations (e.g., congestion
            loss) or by various underlying subnetwork technologies (e.g.,
            asymmetric bandwidth situations of xDSL and cable modems).

          o nocol
            NOCOL/SNIPS (Network Operation Center On-Line) is a network
            monitoring package that runs on Unix platforms and is capable of
            monitoring network and system variables such as ICMP or RPC
            reachability, RMON variables, nameservers, ethernet load, port
            reachability, host performance, SNMP traps, modem line usage,
            appletalk & novell routes/services, BGP peers, syslog files, etc.

          o nomad
            Nomad is a network mapping program designed to automatically
            discover a local network, using SNMP to identify network devices
            and work out how they are physically connected together. The
            network is then presented as a topology diagram with simple
            integrated monitoring. Changes in the network are reflected in the
            diagram which continuously updates, and you can customise your own
            views of the network map with various views and filters.

          o ntop
            ntop is a tool that shows the network usage, similar to what the
            popular top Unix command does. ntop is based on pcapture and it has
            been written in a portable way in order to virtually run on every
            Unix platform.

          o oproute
            oproute is a generalised network performance analysis tool.

          o perro
            Perro is a set of three daemons that logs the IP/TCP, IP/UDP and IP
            /ICMP packets that arrives to your Linux box. It also takes cares
            and logs IP options, eluding the IP options sniffer attack.

          o pfflowd
            OpenBSD's PF stateful packet filter will count bytes and packets
            for flows it tracks statefully. PF also contains a mechanism
            (pfsync) which allows realtime reporting of state expiry. pfflowd
            listens for these state expiry messages and converts them to
            NetFlow datagrams.

          o pingsting
            pingsting is an application that monitors networks for ICMP Echo
            Requests and attempts to determine what application generated the
            ICMP packets.

          o RRD Tool
            If you know MRTG, you can think of RRDtool as a reimplementation of
            MRTGs graphing and logging features. Magnitudes faster and more
            flexible than you ever thought possible. RRD is the Acronym for
            Round Robin Database. RRD is a system to store and display
            time-series data (i.e. network bandwidth, machine-room temperature,
            server load average). It stores the data in a very compact way that
            will not expand over time, and it presents useful graphs by
            processing the data to enforce a certain data density. It can be
            used either via simple wrapper scripts (from shell or Perl) or via
            frontends that poll network devices and put a friendly user
            interface on it.

          o scanlogd
            scanlogd is a tool to detect and log port scans.

          o Sentinel
            The Sentinel project is designed to be a portable, accurate
            implementation of all publicly known promiscuous detection
            techniques. Sentinel currently supports 3 methods of remote
            promiscuous detection: The DNS test, Etherping test, and ARP test.
            Support for the ICMP Ping Latency test is under development.

          o Softflowd
            Softflowd is flow-based network traffic analyser capable of Cisco
            NetFlow data export. Softflowd semi-statefully tracks traffic flows
            recorded by listening on a network interface or by reading a packet
            capture file. These flows may be reported via NetFlow to a
            collecting host or summarised within softflowd itself.

          o tcp_wrappers
            The package provides tiny daemon wrapper programs that can be
            installed without any changes to existing software or to existing
            configuration files. The wrappers report the name of the client
            host and of the requested service; the wrappers do not exchange
            information with the client or server applications, and impose no
            overhead on the actual conversation between the client and server

          o tcpspy
            tcpspy is an administrators' tool that logs information about
            selected incoming and outgoing TCP/IP connections (username, local
            and remote addresses, and executable filename). Connections are
            selected for logging with rules, similar to the filter expressions
            accepted by tcpdump and other libpcap-based applications (tcpspy
            does not, however, use libpcap). tcpspy is currently available only
            for the Linux operating system.

          o trafshow
            trafshow is a full-screen network traffic monitor.

          o xinetd
            xinetd is a secure and more fully-featured replacement for inetd.


        (Note: This list of software and information available at Wiretapped is
        not exhaustive. Users are encouraged to browse and search the archive
        and read any available "-README.txt" files that are available)