Easily change the symbol at point between camelcasing, snakecasing, dasherized and more. Bind `transform-symbol-at-point' to the keybinding of your preference, for example: (global-set-key (kbd "s-;") 'transform-symbol-at-point) If you would prefer to use `which-key' instead of the default `transient' support, make sure `which-key' is installed and bind `transform-symbol-at-point-map' instead: (global-set-key (kbd "s-;") 'transform-symbol-at-point-map) Each of the transformation commands can be called interactively as well: * `transform-symbol-at-point-lower-camel-case' * `transform-symbol-at-point-upper-camel-case' * `transform-symbol-at-point-snake-case' * `transform-symbol-at-point-dashed-words' * `transform-symbol-at-point-downcase' * `transform-symbol-at-point-capitalized-words' * `transform-symbol-at-point-titleized-words' * `transform-symbol-at-point-upcase' To customize where the cursor ends up after transformation, set `transform-symbol-at-point-cursor-after-transform' to one of the following: * `symbol-end' (default) * `symbol-start' * `next-symbol'